15.1 The Centripetal Dimension
15.2 The Uniformity of Protocol
15.3 The Decisive Power
15.4 The Normative Power
15.5 Canonization of the Ideology
15.6 Control over the Territory
15.7 The Regional Sphere
15.1 The Centripetal Dimension
On Hammurabi of Babylon, see e.g. Van De Mieroop 2004 Hammurabi; cf. also Charpin 2012 Hammurabi.
For the year-names of Hammurapi see here.
– [ Marco De Pietri, April 2024]
15.2 The Uniformity of Protocol
For the site of Puzrish-Dagan/Drehem (modern tall ad-Duraihim), see the entries ‘Drehem’ and ‘Puzriš-Dagan’ in the Rd Aonline; for the economic and administrative texts from this site, see Nesbit 1914 Drehem, Kang 1972 Drehem, Hilgert 1998 Drehem (reign of Shulgi), and Hilgert & Reichel 2003 Drehem (reign of Amar-Sin); about more recently discovered documents from the same place, see Al- Mutawalli &al 2017 Drehem; for the role of the city in the general economy of Ur III, see Tsouparopoulou 2013 Reconstruction.
– [ Marco De Pietri, April 2024]
15.3 The Decisive Power
ABB 4:22 = gB 6.6; VAB 6:66 = gB 9.11; ABB 2:78 = gB 9.8.
VAB 6:66 = gB 9.11; VAB 6:80 = gB 9.12.
ABB 2:54 = gB 8.5; ABB 2.
– [ Giorgio Buccellati, July 2020]
15.4 The Normative Power
ABB 4:16 = gB 6.5.
– [ Giorgio Buccellati, July 2020]
The text of the ‘Code of Hammurapi’ is engraved on a basalt stela found at Susa (but originally from Babylon) today kept at the Louvre (AS 6064); for an old edition (reporting the cuneiform, the transliteration, and an English translation) see Harper 1904 Code; an important edition of the text is also in Deimel 1930 Codex; a recent commentary can be found in Barmash 2020 Laws; another interesting work, making comparisons between this text and other similar documents, is May 2019 Legal; for a grammar of the text, see Richardson 2014 Grammar (based on another important edition of the text, i.e. Richardson 2005 Hammurabi); for the possible influence of this ‘law code’ on the Biblical ‘Covenant Code’, see Wright 2009 Inventing.
– [ Marco De Pietri, April 2024]
15.5 Canonization of the Ideology
On the image of the king as a shepherd, see Anthonioz 2020 Shepherd and Ivy Ewald 2010 Shepherd; cf. also Section 5.15.
– [ Marco De Pietri, April 2024]