Mesopotamian Politics
Marco De Pietri
March 2024
- See IIMAS, AVASA,, or profile.
- IIMAS Associate Director and Research Fellow.
- Website designer and current main Editor for the present companion website.
- Assistant editor for the 4banks website.
- Assistant editor for the Mesopotamian Religion companion website.
- CV.
- e-mail address:
- Worked on website since 2020.
- Contributed the following sections:
- The Narrative
- History of Discipline
- Contributed the following bibliographical entries:
- Adams 1981 Heartland
- Akar Kara 2020 Formation
- Akkermans- Schwartz 2003 Archaeology
- Algaze 2008 Ancient Mesopotamia
- Al- Mutawalli &al 2017 Drehem
- Anthonioz 2020 Shepherd
- Archi 2021 Wars
- Aruz 2003 Art
- Avigad & Yadin 1956 Apocryphon
- Badawy 1966 Architecture
- Badawy 1967 Civic
- Badawy 1968 History
- Bahn 2009 Marshack
- Bailey 2005 Figurines
- Balter 2005 Catalhoyuk
- Bang 2013 Handbook
- Barjamovich 2013 Mesopotamian Empires
- Barmash 2020 Laws
- Barton 1929 R I S A
- Battini 1997 Systemes
- Battini 1998 Opposition
- Battini 2000 Rapports
- Battini 2007 Quelques
- Battini 2016 Reflexions
- Battini 2018 Hippodamian
- Bellwood 2004 Farmers
- Bergamini 1994 Babilonia
- Berlin 1996 Religion
- Bezold 1889- 1899 Catalogue
- Biga 2024 Byblos
- Biga Roccati 2022 Place
- Bittel 1970 Hattusha
- Bocquet- Appel 2008 Neolithic
- Bottero 1992 Reasoning
- Bourrillon 2018 Aurignacian
- Brami 2019 Invention
- Brice 1979 Jemdet
- Brisch 2008 Religion
- Brunt 1996 Anabasis
- Brunt 1996 Indica
- Brusasco 2008 Mesopotamia
- Bruschweiler 1979 Ville
- Bryce 2016 Atlas
- Buccellati 1959 B O 3
- Buccellati 1960 Israeliti
- Buccellati 1963 Testi
- Buccellati 1966 Amorites
- Buccellati 1966 Names
- Buccellati 1972 Teodicea
- Buccellati 1977 Urban Revolution
- Buccellati 1990 Qraya
- Buccellati 1990 River Bank
- Buccellati 1990 Salt
- Buccellati 1990 Terqa
- Buccellati 1992 Ebla Amorites
- Buccellati 1993 Amorrei
- Buccellati 1995 Eblaite
- Buccellati 1996 Grammar
- Buccellati 1996 Public Private
- Buccellati 1997 Akkadian & Amorite
- Buccellati 2003 Geyer
- Buccellati 2005 Monumental
- Buccellati 2006 Emic
- Buccellati 2007 Yahweh
- Buccellati 2008 Origin
- Buccellati 2009 Logogram
- Buccellati 2012 Coerenza
- Buccellati 2014 Dalprofondo
- Buccellati 2014 Time
- Buccellati 2020 Awilis
- Buccellati 2024 Origins
- Buccellati 2024 When
- Buccellati F 2010 Terrace
- Buccellati F 2014 House
- Buccellati Kelly Buccellati 1988 Qraya
- Buccellati Kelly Buccellati 1997 Ethnicity
- Buccellati Kelly- Buccellati 2004 Monumentale
- Buccellati Kelly Buccellati 2005 Hurrian
- Buccellati Kelly- Buccellati 2007 Question
- Buccellati Kelly Buccellati 2009 Temple
- Burke 2021 Amorites
- Burke 2021 Mercenaries
- C A D
- Caneva 2004 Yumuktepe
- Caneva 2010 Yumuktepe
- Cassirer 1946 Language
- Cauvin 2000 Birth
- Cavalli Sforza 2012 Civilta
- Cavalli Sforza &al 1986 Anthropology
- Charpin 2012 Hammurabi
- Childe 1928 Neolithic
- Childe 1936 Man
- Childe 1950 Urban
- Childress 2008 Gutenberg
- Chinnock 1884 Anabasis
- Clarke 1931 El Kab
- Cline 2021 Year
- Cline 2024 Year
- Cohen 1977 Food
- Cohen 2015 Calendars
- Cohen & Westbrook 2000 Amarna
- Costello 2010 Review Algaze 2008
- Crescioli 2009 M A
- Crisa &al 2019 Tokens
- D Agostino 2012 Fs Pecorella
- Dalley 2000 Myths
- Deimel 1930 Codex
- De Pietri 2014 Piazza
- Di Paolo 2013 Yaqaru
- Drews 1993 End
- Duranti
- During 2015 Dunnu
- Edel 1997 Vertrag
- Edzard 1957 Zweite
- Edzard 1980 Id
- Edzard 2003 Sumerian
- Ermidoro 2017 Atrahasis
- Fairman 1949 Town
- Faulkner 2002 Concise
- Fernandez &al 1982 Symbols
- Finkelstein 1955 Subartu
- Finkelstein 1962 Mesopotamia
- Fitzmyer 1966 Genesis
- Flannery 2012 Temples Inequality
- Fleming 2004 Democracy
- Foley 1991 Immanent Art
- Foster 2005 Before
- Frahm 2023 Assyria
- Frangipane 2007 Cretulae
- Frangipane 2010 Economic
- Frankfort 1948 Kingship
- Fukuyama 1992 The Endof History
- Gadamer 1976 Philosophical Hermeneutics
- Gadd 1940 Brak
- Gasche 1998 Chronology
- Gatto 2009 Neomarxismo
- Gelb 1944 Hurrians
- Gelb 1963 Writing
- Gelb 1971 Temple
- Gelb 1986 Ebla
- Gelb Steinkeller Whiting 1991 Ancient Kudurrus
- George 2000 Gilgamesh
- George 2003 Gilgamesh
- Geyer 2001 Conquete
- Geyer Montchambert 1987 Prospection
- Giusfredi 2012 Babilonia
- Giusfredi 2023 Vicino
- Goedicke 1974 Inverted
- Golden Toohey 1997 Inventing Ancient Culture
- Goody 1977 Domestication
- Greenberg &al 1980 Linguistic
- Harland 1987 Superstructuralism
- Harper 1904 Code
- Harris 1994 Childe
- Hausleiter &al 2023 Material
- Hawking 2018 Questions
- Hawkins 1980 Karkamis
- Hawkins 1995 Karkamish
- Head 2023 Anthropocene
- Heidler 2003 Manifest
- Helle 2023 Enheduana
- Hilgert 1998 Drehem
- Hilgert & Reichel 2003 Drehem
- Hoch 1994 Semitic
- Hochschild 2012 The Outsourced Self
- Hodder 2010 Emergence
- Hoffner 1998 Myths
- Holloway 2001 Assur
- Hopkinson Buccellati 2023 Qraya
- Hornung 2007 Amduat
- Hudson 1995 Privatization
- Hudson 2024 Enclave
- Hudson 2024 Temples
- H Z L
- Iamoni &al 2022 Asingeran
- Issar & Zohar 2007 Climatic
- Issar & Zohar 2013 Climate
- Ivy Ewald 2010 Shepherd
- Jacobsen 1939 S K L
- Jacobsen 1970 Towards
- Jaspers 1953 Origin
- Johansson 2005 Language
- Johansson 2021 Dawn
- Kammerer Metzler 2012 Enuma
- Kang 1972 Drehem
- Kelly Buccellati 2004 Andirons
- Kelly Buccellati 2012 Apprenticeship
- Kelly Buccellati 2015 Power
- Kelly Buccellati 2016 Hurrian
- Kemp 1976 Window
- Kemp 1977 El- Amarna
- Kemp 1987 Amarna
- Kemp 1998 Anatomy
- King 1914 Catalogue
- Kitchen & Lawrence 2012 Treaty
- Knudtzon 1915 E A
- Krebernik 2008 Richtergottheiten
- Kriwaczek 2012 Babylon
- Lambert 1960 Wisdom
- Lambert 2013 Creation
- Lampl 1968 Cities
- Langdon 1903 Ashurbanapal
- Langdon 1911 Sumerian
- Laroche 1980 Glossaire
- Lawecka 2017 Tribute
- Leichty 1986 Catalogue
- Leichty 1987 Catalogue
- Liverani 1968 Review-g B 1966
- Liverani 1968 Variazioni
- Liverani 1986 Origini
- Liverani 1987 Città
- Liverani 1988 A N E
- Liverani 1994 Guerra
- Liverani 1997 Ancient
- Liverani 1998 Amarna
- Liverani 1999 Amarna
- Liverani 2004 Myths
- Liverani 2006 Uruk
- Liverani 2012 Fondazioni
- Liverani 2013 Motifs
- Liverani 2014 History
- Liverani 2016 Imaging
- Liverani 2017 Assyria
- Liverani 2018 Paradiso
- Liverani 2021 Historiography
- Loud 1938 Khorsabad
- Luckenbill 1924 Sennacherib
- Lynch 2024 Ph D
- Makkay 1968 Tartaria
- Malbran Labat 1988 Cuneiform
- Mallowan 1947 Brak
- Mantellini &al 2024 Development
- Maquet 1979 Aesthetic
- Marchesi 2006 Lumma
- Marchetti &al 2024 Trends
- Margueron 2003 Art
- Marshack 1972 Roots
- Marshack 1991 Tai
- Masetti- Mora 2002 Mondo
- Matthews 1992 Jemdet Nasr
- Matthews 2003 Archaeology
- Matthiae 1995 Ebla
- Matthiae 2005 Prima
- Matthiae 2018 Egypt
- May 2019 Legal
- Mazzoni 1994 Nuove
- Mc C Adams 1984 Mesopotamian
- Mc Crindle 1876 Indica
- Mc Glynn 2021 Mind
- Mellaart 1967 Catal
- Meyer- Christian 2012 Babylon
- Meyers 1997 O E A N E
- Michalowski 1983 History
- Michalowski 2003 Brak
- Michalowski 2012 King
- Millard 1988 B R B
- Mintz &al 1984 Marxian
- Mora 2008 Entre
- Moran 1992 E A
- Moreno Garcia 2011 Village
- Moscati 1997 Imperi
- Muraoka 1972 Genesis
- Mynarova 2007 Amarna
- Naveh 1987 Alphabet
- Nesbit 1914 Drehem
- Nissen 1986 Uruk
- Oates 1997 Brak
- Oppenheim 1944 Temple
- Oppenheim 1964 Mesopotamia
- Orlin 2005 Politics
- Oshima 2014 Sufferers
- Pace 1978 Structuralism
- Paliga 1993 Tartaria
- Palmer 1996 Theoryof Cultural Linguistics
- Palmer &al 1981 Canonical
- Parlebas 1979 Notion
- Pedersen 2010 Cities
- Petrosino 2011 Abitare Arte
- Pettinato 1998 Scrittura
- Pettinato 2007 Sumeri
- Pfeifer 2014 Jakob
- Piacentini 2006 Egitto
- Porter 1993 Images
- Pritchard 1955 A N E T 2
- Rawlinson 1861- 1884 C I W A
- Rd A
- Richardson 2005 Hammurabi
- Richardson 2014 Grammar
- Ricoeur 1991 From Text
- R I M E 2
- Ristvet 2011 Travel
- Rubio 1999 Substratum
- Ruster- Neu 1989 H Z L
- Sallaberger 1993 Kalender
- Sallaberger 2003- 2004 J E O L
- Sanders 1984 Demography
- Sanders 2009 Hebrew
- Sanders &al 1984 Evolution
- Schloen 2001 Houseofthe Father
- Schmandt- Besserat 1992 Before
- Schmandt- Besserat 1992 How
- Schmandt- Besserat 2007 When
- Schmandt- Besserat 2010 Token
- Schmandt- Besserat 2013 Cognitive
- Schmandt- Besserat 2014 Counting
- Schmandt- Besserat 2014 Evolution
- Schmandt- Besserat 2017 Making
- Schmandt- Besserat 2019 Invention
- Schmandt- Besserat 2019 Writing
- Schmidt 2011 Costruirono
- Schmidt 2012 Gobekli
- Schniedewind & Cochavi- Rainey 2015 Amarna
- Scurlock 2011 Rubbing
- Shaw 2000 History
- Sheehan Sosna 1991 Boundaries
- Shiloh 1978 Elements
- Shiloh 1987 Casemate
- Sigristetal 1996 Catalogue
- Smith 1980 Ratzel
- Smith 2009 Childe
- Smith 2022 Kranzhugel
- Sokolowski 1978 Presence Absence
- Sokolowski 2002 Semiotics
- Soldt 2005 Ordal
- Spalinger 1978 Thutmose
- Spineto 2008 Integrazione
- Sterba 1976 Management
- Stone 1997 City States
- Strauss 1969 Mind
- Streck 1999 Hammurabi
- Svard &al 2021 Fear
- Taylor 2009 Mind
- Tenney 2017 Servility
- Thureau- Dangin 1912 Fin
- Trinkaus 1983 Shanidar
- Trolle Larsen 2015 Kanesh
- Tsouparopoulou 2013 Reconstruction
- Ur 2014 Households
- Van De Mieroop 1997 City
- Van De Mieroop 1999 Cuneiform
- Van De Mieroop 2004 Hammurabi
- Van De Mieroop 2016 History
- Van De Mieroop 2016 Philosophy
- Vanderhooft- Winitzer 2013 Literature
- Vercoutter 1979 Ville
- Verderame 2006 Calendrier
- Verderame 2010 Imagen
- Verderame 2019 Text
- Vivaldi 1725 Cimento
- Von Soden 1985 Einfuhrungen
- Weber 1978 Economy
- Weingreen 1959 Grammar
- Weiss 1986 Origins
- Westenholz 1997 Legends
- Westenholz 2004 Shepherd
- Worthington 2024 Sargon
- Wright 1984 Prestate
- Wright 2009 Inventing
- Yildirim 2017 Political
- Yoffee 2015 C W H
- Zaven &al 2024 Byblos
- Zettler 1987 Sealings
- Arslantepe
- Bab City
- C A H
- C D L I
- Diy Ar Da
- D M B
- Eb D A
- Ebla
- Enheduana
- e P S D 2
- E T C S L
- E T C S R I
- Glassner
- H A W
- Hittite Monuments
- H P M
- Jemdet Nasr
- L S J
- Melammu
- Mnamon
- O R A C C
- Perseus
- Rd Aonline
- Schmandt- Besserat
- S E A L
- Sefaria
- Sumerian Shakespeare
- Tanakh
- T L G
- U N E S C O- W H C
- Urkesh
- Wb
- Ziyaret
- Contributed the following notes:
1b, 1c, 1.1b, 1.1c, 1.2a, 1.4b, 1.5b, 1.5c, 1.5d, 1.5e, 1.5f, 1.5g, 1.6e, 1.6f, 1.6g, 1.7c, 1.7d, 1.10a, 2.1a, 2.2c, 2.5c, 3.1c, 3.1d, 3.1e, 3.2a, 3.2b, 3.3a, 3.3b, 3.3c, 3.3d, 3.4a, 3.5a, 3.7a, 4.1b, 4.1c, 4.2a, 4.2b, 4.2c, 4.2d, 4.5a, 4.6b, 4.9b, 4.10b, 4.10c, 5a, 5.4a, 5.4b, 5.7b, 5.9b, 5.10b, 5.11b, 5.17b, 5.17c, 5.18c, 5.19b, 5.19c, 6.2b, 6.2c, 6.2d, 6.4a, 6.5a, 6.6a, 6.6b, 6.6c, 6.6f, 6.7b, 6.10.4a, 6.10.5a, 6.10.5b, 6.10.5c, 6.10.6c, 6.11a, 6.11b, 6.11.1c, 6.11.3b, 6.11.4a, 7.2c, 7.2d, 7.4a, 7.4b, 7.6.1a, 7.7b, 7.8f, 7.9b, 8.2d, 8.6a, 8.6.2a, 8.6.2b, 8.6.2c, 8.7.1a, 8.7.2c, 8.7.2d, 9.3a, 9.3b, 9.8a, 10.1a, 10.2b, 10.3a, 10.3b, 10.4a, 10.4b, 10.4c, 10.5g, 10.5h, 10.5i, 10.6c, 10.7a, 11.1b, 11.1c, 11.1d, 11.3a, 11.3b, 12a, 12.3b, 12.3c, 12.4a, 12.4b, 12.4c, 12.6a, 13.2a, 13.3a, 13.3b, 13.3c, 13.7a, 14.5a, 14.6b, 14.6c, 15.1a, 15.2a, 15.4b, 15.5a, 16.8a, 17.1a, 17.5a, 17.5b, 17.6a, 17.6b, 17.7a, 17.7b, 17.7c, 17.7d, 17.7e, 17.7f
- Contributed the following reviews:
- Contributed the following themes:
- Mesopotamia
- Urban revolution
- Contributed the following sources:
- Contributed the following excerpts:
- Buccellati, G. 2014
- Buccellati, G. 2024
- Childe 1950
- Foster 20053
- George 2000
- Hawking 2018
- Hoffner 19982
- Hudson 2024
- Jacobsen 1970
- Jaspers 1953
- Liverani 2014
- Contributed the following monographs:
- The Birth and Development of Cities in Mesopotamia and Egypt: A Comparative and Contrastive Analysis