11.1 Toward the 'Invention'
11.2 Beyond 'the Four Shores'
11.3 Imperial Genius
11.4 The Roots of a Counter-State
11.1 Toward the 'Invention'
Our paper on survey; recent work on Bishri; cf. Morandi, Bernbeck.
– [ Giorgio Buccellati, July 2020]
The Sumerian MAR.TU = Akkadian Amurru(m) basically indicated the ‘Westeners’; see e P S D 2, sub voce; cf. also Marchesi 2006 Lumma, p. 11, fn. 30 and Sallaberger 2003- 2004 J E O L, pp. 55, 57, 59.
– [ Marco De Pietri, April 2024]
About the Amorites, see Section 16.8; cf. also the dedicated monograph; further literature on this topic: Buccellati 1963 Testi; Buccellati 1966 Amorites (with review in Liverani 1968 Review-g B 1966); Buccellati 1966 Names; Buccellati 1992 Ebla Amorites; Buccellati 1993 Amorrei (specifically on the concept of the ‘domestication’ of the steppe); Buccellati 1995 Eblaite; Buccellati 1997 Akkadian & Amorite; Buccellati 2008 Origin; Burke 2021 Amorites; Burke 2021 Mercenaries.
– [ Marco De Pietri, April 2024]
For mentions of the Amorites in the Bible, see e.g. Gen. 10:16-20, Gen. 14:13, Gen. 15:16,21, Ex. 3:8,17, Ex. 13:5, Ex. 23:23, Ex. 33:2, Num. 21:25,34, Num. 22:2, Josh. 5:1, Josh. 10.
– [ Marco De Pietri, April 2024]
11.2 Beyond 'the Four Shores'
For Naram-Sin in Basha(r), see R I M E 2, p. 91.
– [ Giorgio Buccellati, July 2020]
11.3 Imperial Genius
About the concept of ‘manifest destiny’ (coined by John O’Sullivan in 1845 or, according to other historians, by Jane Cazneau) see e.g. Heidler 2003 Manifest.
– [ Marco De Pietri, April 2024]
On the topic of Lebensraum (a concept developed in the last century within the Nazi ideology), its historical origin and development, see e.g. Smith 1980 Ratzel.
– [ Marco De Pietri, April 2024]