Mesopotamian Politics
Notes to Chapter 21. From a Universe of Cities to the Universal City
21.1 Development of the Bond of Solidarity
21.2 The Dynamic of Sovereignty
21.3 The Universal City
21.4 The Expansionistic Impulse
21.4.1 Territorial Strategy
21.4.2 Reconstitution of the Macro-Region: The Assyrian Ecumene
21.4.3 Reconstitution of Syro-Mesopotamia: The Aramaic Ecumene
21.4.4 Reconstitution of the Cosmopolis: The Imperial Ecumene
21.5 The Role of Personality
21.5.1 The Concept
21.5.2 Four Examples
21.5.3 Relevance
21.6 The Re-Invention of the Mountain
21.7 The Longitudinal Fracture in Syria
21.8 The 'Houses' of the Steppe