2.1 The Neolithic
2.2 The Organicity of Settlements
2.3 The Perception of Borders
2.4 The Heightening of Perception
2.5 The Invention of Territory
2.6 The Dawn of Society
2.1 The Neolithic
About the topic of the “invention” of ceramics cf. also Crescioli 2009 M A.
– [ Marco De Pietri, January 2024]
2.2 The Organicity of Settlements
On the relationship between dwelling, farming, and building, see Petrosino 2011 Abitare Arte; taking the cue from Heidegger’s reflection on the meaning of human dwelling, the essay explores the theme of the correlation between dwelling, cultivating and building. Although centered on philosophical arguments and on the analysis of the artist’s personality, the essay has relevance for the notion of living as it developed in the Neolithic period.
[gB’s Italian comment: «Prendendo lo spunto dalla riflessione di Heidegger sul significato dell’abitare umano, il saggio svolge il tema della correlazione fra abitare, coltivare e costruire. Benchè centrato su argomenti filosofici e di analisi della personalità dell’artista, il saggio ha rilevanza per la nozione di abitare come si sviluppa nel periodo neolitico (“Alle origini della politica” 2.2)»].
– [ Giorgio Buccellati ]
On the concept of dwelling see Petrosino 2011 Abitare Arte.
– [ Giorgio Buccellati, July 2020]
On settlement development in the Chalcolithic period, see e.g. Iamoni &al 2022 Asingeran.
– [ Marco De Pietri, January 2024]
2.4 The Heightening of Perception
On the concept of presence/absence, see Sokolowski 1978 Presence Absence; cf. also Sokolowski 2002 Semiotics. In the latter it is also possible to find an important discussion on the concepts of expression/indication and of the «semiotic modes of being» (pp. 176-179).
– [ Giorgio Buccellati, July 2020]
2.5 The Invention of Territory
On the concept of invention, see Vivaldi 1725 Cimento and Sanders 2009 Hebrew.
– [ Giorgio Buccellati, July 2020]
The analysis of the landscape is linked to the concept of perceptive geography: see Buccellati 1990 River Bank.
– [ Giorgio Buccellati, July 2020]
Further on the concept of invention, see also the separate Theme.
– [ Marco De Pietri, August 2024]
2.6 The Dawn of Society
See concept of chiefdoms.
– [ Giorgio Buccellati, July 2020]