Mesopotamian Religion

10. Sources

Appendix 9: References to prophetic episodes

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Appendix 9: References to prophetic episodes

     Akkadian text and French translation (columns 2, 4): ARM 10 = Dossin 1967 Correspondance = Dossin, Georges 1967, La correspondance féminine, Archives royales de Mari 10, Paris: Librairie orientaliste P. Geuthne.
     Akkadian text and French translation (columns 2, 4): Dossin 1978 Correspondance = Dossin, Georges and Finet, Andre 1978, La correspondance féminine transcrite et traduite, Archives royales de Mari 10, Paris: Librairie orientaliste P. Geuthner.
     French translation (more recent): ARM 26 = Durand 1988 Archives = Durand, Jean-Marie 1988, Archives épistolaires de Mari, I/1, Archives royales de Mari 26, Paris: Éditions recherches sur les civilisations, pp. 421-452.
     Akkadian text and English translation (more recent edition of the text): WAW 12 = Nissinen 2003 Prophets = Nissinen, Martti 2003, Prophets and Prophecy in the Ancient Near East, Writings from the Ancient World 12, Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature Press.

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Appendix 9.1

Account of a trance in which he invites himself to prudence
ARM 10:7 [213 = A.100]; ARM 26:210; WAW 12:23
Akkadian text
(syllabic transcription)
ARM (1967)
Akkadian text (phonemic transcription)
French translation
ARM (1967)
English translation
1 a-na be-lí-ia (2) qí-bí-ma (3) um-ma fši-ib-tu ana bēlija (2) qibīma (3) umma Šibtu (2) Dis (1)à mon Maître: (3) ainsi (parle) Šibtu, (2)Say (1) unto my lord, (3) thus saith Shibtu thy servant,
4 geme2-ka-a-ma é-kál-lum ša-lim amtukama ēkallum šalim ta servante. Le palais va bien. the palace is in good order.
5 i-na é an-nu-ni-tim u4 3-kam (6) Iše-le-{BU}-bu-um ina bīt Annunītim ūmum šalāšium (6) Šēlebum Dans le temple d'Annunîtu, le 3, (6) Šêlebum In the temple of Annunitum, (6) Shelebum
7 im-ma-hu um-ma an-nu-ni-tum-ma immaḫu umma Annunītumma a vaticiné: «Ainsi (parle) Annunîtum: went into a trance on the third day (of the month). "This is what Annunitum says:
8 Izi-im-ri-li-im (9) i-na ba-ar-tim (10) i-la-at-ta-ku-ka Zimri-Lim (9) ina bārtim (10) ilattakuka "Zimri-Lim (10) on va t'éprouve (9) par le moyen d'une rébellion. (10) They are going to ensnare you (9) with a conspiracy!
11 pa-ga-ar-ka ú-ṣú-ur pagārka uṣur Protège-toi! Protect your person!
12 ìr-meš <li>-ib-bi-ka (13) ša ta-ra-am-mu (14) i-ta-ti-k[a] (15) šu-ku-un aradā libbika (13) ša tarammu (14) itātik[a] (15) šukun des serviteurs selon ton coeur! (13) que tu aimes, (14) à tes côtés (15) place (14) Put (12) your best servants at your side, (13) who are loyal to you.
16 šu-zi-is-sú-nu-ti-ma (17) li-iṣ-ṣú-ru-k[a] šuzissūnūti-ma (17) liṣṣurūk[a] et fais se tenir (17) pour qu'ils te protègent! Let them stay in place (17) so they can protect you.
18 a-na ra-ma-ni-k[a-ma] (19) la ta-at-ta-na-a[l-la-a]k ana ramānik[a-ma] (19) lā tattana[lla]k (19)Ne te'en va pas (18) tout seul. (19) Don't ever go out (18) on your own.
20 ù lú-meš ša i-la-a[t-ta-ku-k]a u awīlūm ša ila[ttakuk]a Et les gens qui chercheront à t'éprouve, And the men who will set a trap –
21 a-na qa-ti-ka a-[wi-limeš] šu-nu-ti (22) ú-ma-al-[la-am] ana qātika a[wī-līm] šunūti (22) umal[lam] (22) j'emplirai (21) ta main de ces hommes». (22) I will deliver (21) those men into your hands."
23 i-na-an-na a-[nu-um-ma] inanna a[numma] Maintenant, Now
24 ša-a[r]-ta-[am ù sí-sí-ik-tam] šā[r]t[am u sis(s)iktam] la mèche de cheveux et la cordelette a lock of hair and a flap of the cape
25 ša as-sí-[in-nim] ša assi[nnim] de l'assinnum of (Shelebum), the inverted,
26 a-na ṣ[e-er be-lí-ia] ana ṣ[ēr bēlija] chez mon Seigneur to the attention of my lord
27 ú-ša-bi-[lam] ušabi[lam] j'ai fait porter. I send.

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Appendix 9.2

Account of a trance in which help is promised
ARM 10:8 [214 = A.671]; ARM 26:214; WAW 12:24
Akkadian text
(syllabic transcription)
ARM (1967)
Akkadian text (phonemic transcription)
French translation
ARM (1978)
English translation
1 a-na be-lí-ia ana belija À mon Seigneur (2) Tell (1) my lord,
2 qí-bí-ma (3) um-ma fši-ib-tu (4) geme2-ka-a-ma (5) i-na é an-nu-ni-tim ša li-ib-bi a-lim qibīma (3) umma Šibtu (4) amtuka-ma (5) ina bīt Annunītim ša libbi ālim dis: (3) ainsi (parle) Šibtu, (4) ta servante. (5) Dans le temple d'Annunîtu intra muros, (3) so says Shibtu, (4) your servant: (5) in the temple of Annunitum which is inside the city,
6 Ifa-ha-tum munus-tur dda-gan-ma-lik (7) im-ma-hi-ma ki-a-am iq-bi Ahātum ṣeḫeret Dagan-Malik (7) immaḫima kīam iqbi Ahâtum, servante de Dagan-Malik (7) a vaticiné et a dit ceci: Ahatum, Dagan-Malik's servant, (7) went into a trance and spoke in these terms:
8 um-ma-mi zi-im-ri-li-im ummāmi Zimri-Lim «Zimri-Lim, "Here, Zimri-Lim!
9 ù šum-ma at-ta mi-ša-ta-an-ni (10) a-na-ku e-li-ka (11) a-ha-ab-bu-uṣ4 u šumma attā mišatānni (10) anāku elika (11) aḫabbuṣ même si tu me négliges, (10) moi-même pour ton compte, (11) je massacrerait! Although you are remiss towards me, (10) I am well disposed towards you.
12 na-ak-ri-ka (13) a-na qa-ti-ka (14) ú-ma-al-la nakrīka (13) ana qātika (14) umalla De tes ennemies (13) à ta main (14) je donnerai plein mesure. (14) I will put (12) your enemies (13) in your hands,
15 ù lú-meš šar-ra-qí-ia (16) a-ṣa-ab-ba-at-ma u awīlī šarrāqija (16) aṣabbat-ma Et mes voleurs, (16) je m'en saisirai. and those who steal from me, (16) I will seize them
17 a-na ka-ra-aš dnin-é-kál-lim (18) a-ka-am-mi-is-sú-nu-ti ana karāš Bēlet-Ekallim (18) akammissunūti Au Camp de Bêlet-Ekallim, (18) je les rassemblerai!» (18) and then deliver them (17) to catastrophe, (in the hands of) Belet-ekallim".
19 i-na ša-ni-i-im u4-mi-im (20) Ia-hu-um lú-sanga ṭe4-ma-am ina šanīm ūmīm (20) Aḫum mullilum ṭēmam Le lendemain, (20) Ahum, le Grand-Prêtre, nouvelle The next day, (20) the priest Ahum this account,
21 an-né-e-em šar-ta-am (22) ù sí-is-sí-ik-tam annēm šārtam (22) u sis(s)iktam cette, la mèche de cheveux (22) et la cordelette (with) the lock of hair (22) and the flap of his cloak,
23 ub-la-am-ma a-na be-lí-ia ublam-ma ana belija m'a apporté. À mon Seigneur brought me, and so now to my lord.
24 aš-pu-ra-am šar-ta-am (25) ù s[í-i]s-sí-ik-tam (26) ak-nu-ka-am-ma ašpuram šārtam (25) u s[i]s(s)iktam (26) aknukam-ma j'ai écris; (25) et la cordelette (26) et j'ai mis sous scellés I have written. (26) I sealed (25) the lock of hair and the flap of the cloak
27 a-na ṣe-er be-lí-ia (28) úš-ta-bi-lam ana ṣēr bēlija (28) uštabilam chez mon Seigneur (28) je viens de (les) faire porter. (28) so that I could send them (27) to my lord.

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Appendix 9.3

Verification through a divination practice
ARM 10:81 [204 = A.2264]; ARM 26:204; WAW 12:14
Akkadian text
(syllabic transcription)
ARM (1967)
Akkadian text (phonemic transcription)
French translation
ARM (1978)
English translation
1 a-na ka-ak-ka-bi (2) qí-bí-ma (3) um-ma [f]i-ni-ib-ši-na-ma ana kakkabi (2) qibīma (3) umma Inibšina-ma À Mon-Etoile (2) dis: (3) ainsi (parle) Inib-šina. (2) Say (1) to Kaabi ("my star"): (3) so says Inib-shina:
4 Ifin-ni-ba-na a-pí-il-tum (5) it-bi-ma ki-a-am id-bu-[u]b Innibana āpiltum (5) itbi-ma kīam idb[u]b Dame Innibana, la répondante, (5) s'est dressée et elle a ainsi dit: Innibana, the prophetess, (5) stood up and spoke thus:
6 um-ma-a-mi zi-im-r[i]-li-im ummāmi Zimr[i]lim «Zimri-Lim, "Here, (about) Zimri-Lim!
7 a-di* ša-ar-ra-qé-{A IA BI}-šu* (8) [ù] a-ia-bé-šu ù ša i-ta-ti-šu adi* šarrāqēšu* (8) [u] ajābēšu u ša itātīšu tant que ses voleurs, (8) ses ennemies et / rôdent à ses frontières As long as those who steal from him (8) and are enemies / can circulate (freely) near him
9 [i]sà-ah-hu-ru (10) [o o o o o]-šu? (11) [o o o o o] (12) [o o o] x x [i]saḫḫurū (10) [o o o o o]-šu? (11) [o o o o o] (12) [o o o] x x ceux qui (10) [Lacune] (11) [Lacune] (12) [Lacune] [...]
13 [la it]-ta-al-l[a-a]k (14) [o-o la] i-ša-am-ma (15) la i-š[a]-ak-ka-an [lā it]tall[a]k (14) [o-o ] išam-ma (15) lā iš[a]kkan il ne doit pas partir, (14) ni acheter du ...... (15) et le stocker. He must not go (elsewhere), (14) nor buy (goods) (15) nor set them aside.
16 a-nu-um-ma ša-ar-ti (17) ù sí-sí-ik-ti ad-di-na-ki-im anumma šārti (17) u s[i]s(s)ikti addinakim Maintenant, (17) je t'ai donné ma mèche de cheveux et ma cordelette. Behold, (17) I have given you my lock of hair and my flap of cloak,
18 li-za-ak-ku-ú (19) i-na-an-na a-nu-um-ma lizakkū (19) inanna anumma On doit faire le sacrifice de purification». (19) Maintenant, (that) they may be purified (= verified).
20 ša-ar-tam ù sí-sí-ik-tam (21) a-na ka-ak-ka-bi ú-ša-bi-lam šārtam sis(s)iktam (21) ana kakkabi ušabilam la mèche de cheveux et la cordelette (21) j'ai envoyé à Mon-Etoile. (21) I have sent (20) the lock of hair and the flap of the cloak (21) to Kakkabi:
22 Ik[a]-ak-ka-bi te-er-tam (23) [li-še]-pí-iš-ma a-na zi-im k[a]kkabi tērtam (23) [liše]piš-ma ana zīm Mon-Etoile (23) doit faire une prise de présage et, selon Kakkabi must (23) have an oracular rite done so that
24 te-re-ti-šu ka-ak-ka-bi tēretīšu kakkabi les présages qu'il aura obtenus, Mon-Etoile Kakkabi may act in consequence of the rites of this case.
25 l[i]-pu-úš Ika-ak-ka-b[i] l[ī]puš kakkab[i] doit agir. Mon-Etoile May Kakkabi
26 pa-ga-ar-šu li-iṣ-ṣú-ur pagaršu līṣṣur doit veiller sur lui-même. protect his person!