- See CV (Urkesh Project) or Academia profile.
- Worked on website since 2014.
- Contributed the following bibliographical entries:
- Abusch 2001 Gilgamesh
- Abusch 2002 Witchcraft
- Abuschvd Toorn 1999 Magic
- Anthonioz 2019 Divine Speech
- Asad 1993 Religion Anthropological Category
- Atac 2007 Melammu
- Bidmead 2002 Akitu
- Brisch 2013 Divine Kingship
- Buccellati 1996 Grammar
- Cohen 2015 Calendars
- Cooper 2012 Divine
- Cousin Watai 2016 Onomastics
- Deluty 2020 Prophecy
- De Zorzi 2014 Summa Izbu
- d H Gudme 2012 Dedicatory
- Doak 2006 Justice
- Durandetal 2015 Tabou
- Ermidoro 2017 Time
- Ermidoro 2019 Repentant
- Ermidoro 2019 Ritualized Meals
- Ermidoro 2020 Animals
- Fink 2017 Opposition
- Foster 1991 On Authorship
- Foster 2002 End
- Foster 2015 Agade
- Frankfort 1958 Dying God
- Gabbay 2020 Thanksgiving
- Geertz 1973 Religion Cultural System
- Gell 1998 Agency
- George 1992 B T T
- George 1993 Temples
- Glassner 1993 Roi Pretre
- Glassner 2009 Invention
- Goldman 1990 Gestures
- Grassi Freire 2017 Oaths
- Hamori 2008 Embodied God
- Hatinen 2017 Boat
- Heffron 2014 Noise
- Hundley 2013 Examination
- Hundley 2013 Temples
- Hurowitz 1992 Exalted
- Hurowitz 1997 Canon Canonization Mesopotamia
- Husken 2007 Rituals
- Jacobsen 1977 Inuma
- Jeffers 2007 Interpreting Magic
- Johnston 2019 Knowledge
- Kipfer 2017 Emotions
- Kitz 2003 Prophecy
- Kitz 2007 Curses
- Koch 2010 Strikes
- Lambert 1958 Morals
- Lambert 1968 Myth Ritual
- Lambert 1990 Gods Superstition
- Lambert 2013 Creation Myths
- Liverani 2009 Oltre
- Mac Donald 2013 Palaeo- Philosophy
- Machinist 2014 Anthropomorphism
- Marchesi 2010 S K L
- Maul 2007 Divination Culture
- Maul 2018 Divination
- Mc Corriston 2017 Pilgrimage
- Mc Mahon 2016 Ziggurat
- Menargues 2013 Time
- Michalowski 1990 Presence
- Nadali 2013 Ritual Art
- Nissinen 2017 Ancient Prophecy
- Noegel 2001 Dreamsand Dream
- Pongratz- Leisten 1994 Akitu
- Pongratz- Leisten 2008 Marriage
- Pongratz- Leisten 2011 Divine Agency
- Pongratz- Leisten 2011 Revolutionary
- Pongratz- Leisten 2015 Ideology
- Pongratz Leisten 2015 Translatability Holiness
- Pongratz- Leisten Sonik 2015 Materiality
- Reiner 1958 Surpu
- Ristvet 2011 Travel
- Rochberg 1999 Empiricism
- Rochberg 2011 Heavens Gods
- Rochberg 2015 Canonand Power
- Roth 2006 Marriage
- Scurlock 2010 Prophecy Divination
- Sommer 2000 Akitu
- Stern 2012 Calendars
- Tenney 2017 Servility
- Tsukimoto 1985 Totenpflege
- Ulanowski 2014 Mesopotamian Divination
- vander Toorn 1985 Sin Sanction
- Verderame 2006 Calendrier
- Vidal 2014 Divinization
- Watts 2009 Rhetoric
- Weeks 2015 Myth Ritual
- Westenholz 1989 Tamar
- Winitzer 2010 Divine Presence
- Winter 1992 Idols
- Wyatt 2001 Space Time
- Contributed the following notes:
- 3.1e, 3.2i, 3.3c, 3.6d, 3.7b, 3.8c, 3.9b, 5.1k, 5.1l, 5.1m, 6.1c, 6.2{, 6.2|, 6.4t, 6.4u, 6.5b, 7.1f, 7.5d, 7.7c, 7.10v, 8.1g, 8.1h, 8.4m, 8.5r, 8.5s, 9.1a, 9.1o, 9.1p, 9.2h, 9.5c, 10.1f, 10.1g, 10.7d, 12.2j, 12.3e, 13.2h, 13.2i, 13.3a, 13.6c, 13.7f, 13.9h, 14.2n, 14.2o, 14.2p, 14.3e, 14.5m, 14.6i, 15.2g, 15.3f, 16.2d, 16.5j, 16.5k, 16.5l, 17.7f, 17.8c, 18.2d, 18.3l, 18.3m, 20.1g, 20.2g, 20.3e, 21.2f, 21.2g, 22.1c, 22.3b, 22.5e, 22.5f, 22.8r, 22.8s, 25.6b, 26.1e
Contributed the following excerpts:
Contributed the following themes:
- Contributed the review of the phonemic transcriptions of all Appendices.