Mesopotamian Religion
13. Authorship
Marco De Pietri
December 2020
- See IIMAS, AVASA,, or profile.
- Assistant editor for the present companion website.
- Assistant editor for the 4banks website.
- Editor for the Mesopotamian Politics companion website.
- IIMAS Associate Director and Research Fellow.
- CV.
- e-mail address:
- Worked on website since 2019.
- Collaborator.
- Contributed the following bibliographical entries:
- Achtemeier 1996 Harper
- Albani 2000 Horoscopes
- Albright 1960 Wisdom
- Allegro 1968 D J D 5
- Alphandery 1934 Evehemerisme
- Alster 1972 Dumuzi
- Alster 1975 Proverbs
- Alster 2005 Wisdom
- Alster 2006 Dumuzi
- Ambos 2005 Rituale
- Annus 2010 Divination
- Asher Greve 2013 Goddesses
- Assmann 1998 Moses
- Atac 2004 Underworld
- Attinger 2005 A K
- Balentine 2020 Ritual
- Balter 2005 Catalhoyuk
- Beard 1990 Pagan
- Beaulieu 2007 Wisdom
- Becking 2001 Only
- Berlin 1996 Religion
- Berlyn 2005 Abraham
- Bezold 1889- 1899 Catalogue
- Biga- Capomacchia 2008 Politeismo
- Biggs 1967 Shaziga
- Biome 1934 Opfermaterie
- Black 1992 Gods
- Blum 2008 Prophetie
- Boase 2016 Trauma
- Boissier 1894 Documents
- Bonechi 1989 Ebla
- Bottero 1974 Symptomes
- Bottero 1992 Reasoning
- Bourrillon 2018 Aurignacian
- Bowley Reeves 2003 Bible
- Box 1918 Apocalypse
- Braun Holzinger 2013 Gotterdarstellung
- Brelich 1976 Prolegomeni
- Brisch 2008 Religion
- Bryce 2016 Atlas
- Buccellati 1959 B O 3
- Buccellati 1960 B O 2
- Buccellati 1960 Israeliti
- Buccellati 1961 Egyptian Religion
- Buccellati 1966 Amorites
- Buccellati 1966 Bibbia
- Buccellati 1972 Beatitudini
- Buccellati 1972 Teodicea
- Buccellati 1973 Adapa
- Buccellati 1981 Wisdom
- Buccellati 1982 Descent
- Buccellati 2004 Second
- Buccellati 2005 Monumental
- Buccellati 2006 Emic
- Buccellati 2007 Yahweh
- Buccellati 2012 Aten
- Buccellati 2012 Coerenza
- Buccellati 2012 Trinità
- Buccellati 2013 Trinity
- Buccellati 2014 Dalprofondo
- Buccellati 2014 Time
- Buccellati 2020 Awilis
- Buccellati 2024 When
- Buccellati Kelly- Buccellati 2004 Monumentale
- Buccellati Kelly Buccellati 2005 Hurrian
- Buccellati Kelly Buccellati 2007 Heaven
- Buccellati Kelly- Buccellati 2007 Question
- Buccellati Kelly Buccellati 2009 Temple
- Burnet 1920 Early
- Butler 1998 Dreams
- C A D
- Calabro 2013 Gestures
- Caplice 1965 Namburbi
- Caplice 1967 Namburbi
- Caplice 1974 Namburbi
- Cassirer 1946 Language
- Cauvin 2000 Birth
- Charpin 2002 Prophetes
- Civil 1994 Farmer
- Clifford 2007 Wisdom
- Cohen 1993 Cultic
- Cohen 2013 Wisdom
- Collins 2004 Channel
- Cornford 1957 Philosophy
- Couvede Murville 1975 Personal
- Dahan 2021 Samuel
- Dalley 2000 Myths
- Dandamaev 1996 State
- Davis 2016 Relating
- de Jong 1989 Observations
- de Jong 2010 Venus
- Denning Bolle &al 1996 Religion
- De Pietri 2022 Messengers
- Diels 1960 Fragmente
- Di Martino 2005 Archeozoologia
- Disegni 2003 Hebrew Bible
- Dossin 1935 Prieres
- Dossin 1967 Correspondance
- Dossin 1978 Correspondance
- Durand 1988 Archives
- Durand 1997 Mari
- Ebeling 1923 Keilschrifttexte
- Ebeling 1953 Gebetsserie
- Ebeling 1955 Namburbi
- Edzard 2003 Sumerian
- Ermidoro 2017 Atrahasis
- Falkenstein 1953 Hymnen
- Falkenstein 1959 Sumerische
- Fechner 2015 Proverbial
- Fidanzio 2010 Composition
- Fine 2019 Plato
- Foster 1974 Humor
- Foster 2005 Before
- Foxvog 1989 Manual
- Frahm 2011 Commentaries
- Frahm 2018 Hermeneutics
- Frankfort 1948 Kingship
- Frankfort 1949 Before
- Frazer 1990 Golden
- Frechette 2012 Mesopotamian
- Freedman 2000 Eerdmans
- Freud 1961 Future
- Frey- Anthes 2008 Demons
- Furlani 1932 Sacrificio
- Gadotti 2016 Women
- Galoppin &al 2022 Naming
- Gammie 1990 Sage
- Gasche 1998 Chronology
- Geller 1980 Incantations
- Geller 2010 Medicine
- Geller 2018 K A R 44
- George 2000 Gilgamesh
- George 2003 Gilgamesh
- George 2010 Elegy
- Goetze 1974 Y O S 10
- Gordon 1968 Proverbs
- Gotze 1970 Early
- Green 1984 Beneficent
- Green 1986 Note
- Greenstein 2007 Dialogue
- Gruber 1975 Akkadian
- Gurney 1956 Tale
- Gurney 1972 Tale
- Gurzadyan 2000 Astronomical
- Gurzadyan 2000 Chronology
- Gurzadyan 2003 Venus
- Gurzadyan 2005 Chronology
- Hamori 2018 Divination
- Harper 1904 Code
- Hawking 1988 Time
- Heintz 1997 Oracles
- Herles 2006 Gotterdarstellungen
- Hodder 2010 Emergence
- Holland 2010 Gods
- Holloway 2001 Assur
- Houck- Loomis 2018 Trauma
- Huber 1982 Venus
- Huffmon 2000 Prophets
- Huffmon 2012 False
- Hunger 1999 Astral
- Jacobsen 1963 Ancient
- Jacobsen 1976 Treasures
- Jacobsen 1987 Harps
- Jahn 2013 Creation
- Jestin 1976 Sumer
- Jones 2003 Embracing
- J P I I 1998 Fides
- Kammerer Metzler 2012 Enuma
- Katz 1995 Emergence
- Keller 1956 Bible
- Kelly Buccellati 1996 Seals
- Kelly Buccellati 2002 Unterwelt
- Kelly- Buccellati 2005 Archaeozoology
- Kelly- Buccellati 2016 Urkesh
- Kelly- Buccellati 2019 Ceramic
- King 1914 Catalogue
- Kleinerman 2011 Epistolary
- Kockert 2003 Propheten
- Kraus 1936 Sittenkanon
- Kraus 1939 Physiognomatik
- Lafont 1984 Adad
- Lafont 1999 Mari
- Lambert 1956 Marduk
- Lambert 1960 Wisdom
- Langdon 1903 Ashurbanapal
- Langdon 1917 Atonement
- Langdon 1919 Gesture
- Langdon 1919 Psalms
- Langdon 1928 Venus
- Lapinkivi 2004 Sumerian
- Laroche 1980 Glossaire
- Lawson 1994 Fate
- Leichty 1970 Izbu
- Leichty 1986 Catalogue
- Leichty 1987 Catalogue
- Leitz 2002 Lexikon
- Lemaire 2001 Prophets
- Lenzi 2010 Invoking
- Lenzi 2011 Hymns
- Lichtenstein 1969 Dream
- Lion 2000 Mentions
- Liverani 2004 Myths
- Liverani 2006 Uruk
- Liverani 2014 History
- Liverani 2017 Assyria
- Livingstone 1989 S A A 3
- Loktionov 2016 V A T 10057
- Lucarelli 2010 Demons
- Luckenbill 1924 Sennacherib
- Lurker 2005 Dictionary
- Lynch 2024 Ph D
- Mander 2009 Religione
- Marks 1986 Desire
- Martone 1997 Ben Sira
- Matthieu F O R T H Body
- Maul 1994 Namburbi
- Meier 1967 Maqlu
- Meijer 1992 Natural
- Mellaart 1967 Catal
- Merlo 1994 Asherah
- Meyers 1997 O E A N E
- Michalowski 1983 History
- Michalowski 1992 Orality
- Michalowski 2012 King
- Miller 2012 Orality
- Minunno 2009 Emar
- Mitchell 1990 Astronomical
- Morton 1952 Theology
- Moscati 1997 Imperi
- Muller 1937 Ritual
- Neusner 1991 Confronting
- Nissinen 1998 S A A S 7
- Nissinen 2000 Prophecy
- Nissinen 2003 Prophetie
- Nissinen 2003 Prophets
- Nissinen 2019 Divination
- Nissinen 2019 Prophets
- Noegel 2007 Dreams
- Noldeke 1904 Syriac
- Nougayrol 1976 Babylon
- Oates 1978 Religion
- Offord 2013 Theophoric
- Oppenheim 1944 Temple
- Oppenheim 1954 Af O 17
- Oppenheim 1956 Dreams
- Oppenheim 1964 Mesopotamia
- Oppenheim 1969 Dream Book
- Orlin 2005 Politics
- Ornan 2005 Triumph
- Oshima 2014 Sufferers
- Pace 1978 Structuralism
- Parpola 1997 S A A 9
- Peterson 2009 Alteration
- Pettinato 1966 Lecanomancy
- Pettinato 2007 Sumeri
- Piccin 2018 Mortality
- Pinker 2005 Daniel
- Piu X I I 1951 Discorso
- Pongratz- Leisten 1999 Herrschaftswissen
- Pongratz- Leisten 2010 Dreams
- Popa 2016 Agency
- Pritchard 1955 A N E T 2
- Puech 1976 Storia
- Quaegebeur 1993 Sacrifice
- Ratzinger 2004 Introduction
- Rawlinson 1861- 1884 C I W A
- Rawlinson 1870 Venus
- Rd A
- Redford 2001 O E A E
- Reiner 1975 Venus
- Reiner 1981 Enuma
- Reiner 1982 Fürstenspiegel
- Rendu 2012 Venus
- Rinaldi 1971 B O
- Rochberg 2014 Divination
- Rubio 1999 Substratum
- Rutz 2014 Liver
- Sasson 1983 Mari
- Sayce 1902 Religions
- Scheil 1913 Memoires
- Schmidt 1991 Beneficent
- Schmidt 2011 Costruirono
- Schmidt 2020 Necromancy
- Schwemer 2001 Wettergottgestalten
- Schwemer 2011 Magic
- Scurlock 2002 Animal Sacrifice
- Seri 2006 Marduk
- Sharp 2016 Prophets
- Shibata 2010 Suilla
- Shileiko 1924 Night
- Shupak 2006 Joseph
- Sigristetal 1996 Catalogue
- Snell 2010 Religions
- Spieckermann 2007 Welt
- Stamm 1939 Namengebung
- Starr 1974 Extispicy
- Starr 1980 Rituals
- Starr 1983 Diviner
- Stefanini 1969 Enkidu
- Sterba 1976 Management
- Stol 1991 O B P N
- Streck 2011 Dialogues
- Streck 2014 Wisdom
- Streck 2016 Wolves
- Stump 2020 Atonement
- Suddick 1990 Historical
- Sweek 1996 Dreams
- Thomas 1960 Wisdom
- Trinkaus 1983 Shanidar
- Tropper 1989 Nekromantie
- Ugaritica V
- Unger 1926 Gotterbild
- Unger 1926 Gottersymbol
- Van Buren 1944 Sacred Marriage
- Van De Mieroop 2016 Philosophy
- vander Horst 1999 D D D
- vander Toorn 2003 Theology
- Van Dijk 1985 Y O S 11
- Van Staalduine 2002 Targum
- Veldhuis 2001 Bilgames
- Verderame 2004 Divination
- Verderame 2019 Text
- Vermer 2011 D S S
- Vigano 1995 Rituals
- Vigano 2000 Rituals
- Von Soden 1985 Einfuhrungen
- Walker 1984 Venus
- Wegner 1981 Ishtar
- Weingreen 1959 Grammar
- Weippert 1985 Bildsprache
- Weippert 2001 Prophetie
- Weippert 2002 Konig
- Weir 1972 Venus
- Weir 1982 Venus
- Weir 1998 Venus
- Westenholz 2004 Shepherd
- Whittaker 2008 Euphratic
- Wiggins 2007 Asherah
- Winitzer 2017 Divination
- Wissing 2012 Ritual
- Worthington 2024 Sargon
- Xella 2001 Quando
- Xella 2014 Dieux
- Yildirim 2017 Political
- Zernecke 2014 Psalms
- A M G G
- A P M
- Atrahasis
- B H S
- Bi Hu
- C A H
- C D L I
- C M Aw Ro
- Coptic Scriptorium
- D M B
- D R H
- Eb D A
- Ebla
- E B R
- Enheduana
- e P S D 2
- E T A N A
- E T C S L
- H A W
- H P M
- Jewish_encyclopedia
- L X X
- Melammu
- Mohr Siebeck
- N A B
- N V
- O R A C C
- Perseus
- Prophets
- S E A L
- Sefaria
- Shuila
- Tanakh
- Temple Salomon
- Tiresias
- Urkesh
- V L
- Contributed the following notes:
1.1c, 1.1d, 1.1e, 1.1f, 1.1g, 1.1h, 1.1i, 1.1j, 1.1k, 1.1l, 1.1m, 1.1n, 1.1s, 1.1t, 1.1u, 1.1v, 1.2c, 1.2d, 1.2e, 1.2f, 1.2g, 1.3b, 1.4d, 1.4e, 1.5b, 1.5c, 1.5d, 1.5e, 1.5f, 1.5g, 1.5h, 1.6c, 1.6d, 1.6e, 1.6f, 1.6g, 1.7a, 1.8a, 1.8b, 1.8c, 1.8d, 1.9d, 1.9e, 1.10d, 1.11a, 1.11d, 1.12a, 1.12b, 2.1c, 2.2b, 2.2c, 2.2d, 2.2e, 2.2f, 2.2g, 2.2h, 2.2j, 2.3a, 2.3b, 2.3c, 2.3d, 2.3e, 2.3f, 2.3g, 2.3h, 2.3i, 2.3j, 2.4b, 2.5c, 2.5d, 2.5e, 2.5f, 2.5g, 2.5h, 2.5i, 2.6b, 2.6c, 2.7b, 2.7c, 2.8b, 2.8c, 2.9b, 2.10a, 2.10b, 2.10c, 2.11a, 2.12a, 2.13b, 2.13c, 2.13d, 2.13e, 2.13f, 2.13g, 2.13h, 2.14b, 2.14c, 2.14d, 2.14e, 2.15a, 2.15b, 3.1a, 3.1b, 3.1c, 3.1d, 3.1g, 3.2d, 3.2e, 3.2f, 3.2k, 3.3b, 3.3d, 3.4a, 3.4b, 3.4c, 3.5a, 3.6b, 3.6c, 3.7a, 3.7d, 3.8a, 3.8b, 3.9a, 4.2b, 4.2c, 4.2d, 4.2e, 4.3a, 4.3b, 4.3c, 4.3d, 4.3e, 4.4d, 4.4e, 4.4f, 4.4g, 4.5a, 4.6a, 4.6b, 5.1c, 5.1d, 5.1e, 5.1f, 5.1g, 5.1h, 5.1i, 5.1j, 5.2a, 5.2b, 5.2c, 5.2d, 5.2e, 5.3e, 5.3f, 5.3g, 5.3h, 5.3i, 5.3j, 5.3k, 5.3l, 5.4a, 5.4b, 5.4c, 5.5a, 5.5b, 5.5c, 5.5d, 6.1a, 6.2a, 6.2b, 6.2c, 6.2d, 6.2e, 6.2f, 6.2g, 6.2h, 6.2i, 6.2j, 6.2k, 6.2l, 6.2m, 6.2n, 6.2o, 6.2p, 6.2q, 6.2r, 6.2s, 6.2t, 6.2u, 6.2v, 6.2w, 6.2x, 6.2y, 6.2z, 6.3b, 6.3c, 6.3d, 6.3e, 6.3f, 6.4d, 6.4e, 6.4f, 6.4g, 6.4h, 6.4i, 6.4j, 6.4k, 6.4l, 6.4m, 6.4n, 6.4o, 6.4p, 6.4q, 6.4r, 6.4s, 6.5a, 6.6d, 6.6e, 6.6f, 6.7a, 6.7b, 6.7c, 6.8d, 6.8e, 6.8f, 6.8g, 6.8h, 6.8i, 6.8j, 6.8k, 6.9a, 6.9b, 6.9c, 6.9d, 6.10a, 6.10b, 7.1c, 7.1d, 7.1e, 7.3d, 7.4b, 7.5c, 7.6a, 7.7a, 7.7b, 7.8a, 7.8b, 7.8c, 7.9a, 7.9b, 7.9c, 7.9d, 7.9e, 7.9f, 7.10a, 7.10b, 7.10c, 7.10d, 7.10e, 7.10f, 7.10g, 7.10h, 7.10i, 7.10j, 7.10k, 7.10l, 7.10m, 7.10n, 7.10o, 7.10p, 7.10q, 7.10r, 7.10s, 7.10t, 7.11b, 7.11c, 7.11d, 7.11e, 7.11f, 7.11g, 7.12a, 7.12b, 7.12c, 7.12d, 7.13a, 7.13b, 7.13c, 7.13d, 7.14a, 8.1b, 8.1c, 8.1d, 8.1e, 8.1f, 8.2a, 8.3a, 8.3b, 8.3c, 8.3d, 8.3e, 8.4e, 8.4f, 8.4g, 8.4h, 8.4i, 8.4j, 8.4k, 8.4l, 8.5e, 8.5f, 8.5g, 8.5h, 8.5i, 8.5j, 8.5k, 8.5l, 8.5m, 8.5n, 8.5o, 8.5p, 8.5q, 8.6d, 8.6e, 8.6f, 8.6g, 8.6h, 8.6i, 8.6j, 8.6k, 8.6l, 8.6m, 8.6n, 8.6o, 8.6p, 8.6q, 8.6r, 8.6s, 8.6t, 8.6u, 8.6v, 8.6w, 8.6x, 8.6y, 8.6z, 8.6{, 8.6|, 8.6}, 8.6~, 8.6, 9.1c, 9.1d, 9.1f, 9.1g, 9.1h, 9.1i, 9.1j, 9.1k, 9.1l, 9.1m, 9.1n, 9.2b, 9.2c, 9.2d, 9.2e, 9.2f, 9.2g, 9.3c, 9.3d, 9.3e, 9.3f, 9.3g, 9.3h, 9.4a, 9.4b, 9.4c, 9.4d, 9.4e, 9.4f, 9.4g, 9.5b, 9.6b, 9.6c, 9.6d, 10.1b, 10.1c, 10.1d, 10.1e, 10.2b, 10.3a, 10.4a, 10.6a, 10.7a, 10.7b, 10.7c, 11.1b, 11.2a, 11.2b, 11.2c, 11.2d, 11.2e, 11.2f, 11.2g, 11.2h, 11.2i, 11.2j, 11.2k, 11.3a, 11.3b, 11.3c, 11.3d, 11.3e, 11.3f, 11.3g, 11.3h, 11.3i, 11.3j, 11.3k, 11.3l, 11.3m, 11.3n, 11.4a, 11.4b, 11.5a, 11.5b, 11.5c, 11.5d, 11.5e, 11.5f, 11.5g, 11.5h, 11.6a, 11.6b, 11.7a, 11.7b, 11.7c, 11.7d, 11.7e, 11.7f, 11.7g, 12.1a, 12.2a, 12.2b, 12.2c, 12.2d, 12.2e, 12.2f, 12.2g, 12.2h, 12.2i, 12.3b, 12.3c, 12.3d, 12.4d, 12.4e, 12.4f, 12.4g, 12.4h, 12.4i, 12.5a, 12.5b, 12.5c, 12.6a, 13.1a, 13.1b, 13.2b, 13.2c, 13.2d, 13.2e, 13.2f, 13.2g, 13.3b, 13.4a, 13.4b, 13.4c, 13.4d, 13.4e, 13.5a, 13.6a, 13.6b, 13.7a, 13.7b, 13.7c, 13.7d, 13.7e, 13.8a, 13.8b, 13.8c, 13.9b, 13.9c, 13.9d, 13.9e, 13.9f, 13.9g, 13.10a, 13.10b, 13.10c, 13.10d, 13.10e, 13.10f, 13.10g, 13.10h, 13.10i, 13.10j, 13.10k, 13.10l, 13.10m, 13.10n, 13.10o, 13.10p, 13.10q, 13.10r, 13.10s, 13.11a, 13.11b, 13.11c, 13.11d, 13.11e, 13.11f, 13.11g, 13.11h, 13.11i, 13.12a, 13.12b, 13.13a, 13.13b, 13.13c, 13.13d, 13.13e, 13.13f, 13.13g, 13.13h, 13.13i, 13.14a, 13.14b, 13.14c, 13.15a, 14.1b, 14.1c, 14.1d, 14.1e, 14.1f, 14.2a, 14.2b, 14.2c, 14.2d, 14.2e, 14.2f, 14.2g, 14.2h, 14.2i, 14.2j, 14.2k, 14.2l, 14.2m, 14.3b, 14.3c, 14.5a, 14.5b, 14.5c, 14.5d, 14.5e, 14.5f, 14.5g, 14.5h, 14.5i, 14.5j, 14.5k, 14.5l, 14.6a, 14.6b, 14.6c, 14.6d, 14.6e, 14.6f, 14.6g, 14.6h, 14.7a, 14.7b, 14.7c, 14.7d, 14.7e, 14.7f, 14.7g, 14.7h, 15.1a, 15.2a, 15.2b, 15.2c, 15.2d, 15.2e, 15.2f, 15.3a, 15.3b, 15.3c, 15.3d, 15.3e, 15.4a, 15.4b, 16.1a, 16.1b, 16.2b, 16.2c, 16.3a, 16.3b, 16.3c, 16.5c, 16.5d, 16.5e, 16.5f, 16.5g, 16.5h, 16.5i, 16.6a, 16.6b, 16.6c, 16.6d, 16.6e, 17.1a, 17.1b, 17.1c, 17.1d, 17.1e, 17.2a, 17.2b, 17.2c, 17.3a, 17.3b, 17.3c, 17.3d, 17.3e, 17.3f, 17.3g, 17.3h, 17.4b, 17.4c, 17.4d, 17.4e, 17.4f, 17.4g, 17.4h, 17.4i, 17.4j, 17.4m, 17.5a, 17.5b, 17.6a, 17.6b, 17.6c, 17.6d, 17.6e, 17.6f, 17.6g, 17.6h, 17.7b, 17.7c, 17.7d, 17.7e, 17.8a, 17.8b, 18.1a, 18.1b, 18.1c, 18.1d, 18.2a, 18.2b, 18.2c, 18.3b, 18.3c, 18.3d, 18.3e, 18.3f, 18.3g, 18.3h, 18.3i, 18.3j, 18.3k, 18.4b, 18.4c, 18.4d, 18.4e, 19.1a, 19.1b, 19.1c, 19.1d, 19.1e, 19.1f, 19.1g, 19.1h, 19.1i, 19.1j, 19.1k, 19.2a, 19.2b, 19.2c, 19.2d, 19.2e, 19.3a, 19.3b, 19.4a, 19.4b, 19.4c, 19.5a, 19.5b, 19.5c, 19.5d, 19.5e, 19.5f, 20.1a, 20.1b, 20.1c, 20.1d, 20.1e, 20.1f, 20.2a, 20.2b, 20.2c, 20.2d, 20.2e, 20.2f, 20.3a, 20.3b, 20.3c, 20.3d, 20.4a, 20.4b, 20.4c, 20.4f, 20.5a, 20.5b, 20.5c, 20.6a, 20.6b, 21.1a, 21.2a, 21.2b, 21.2c, 21.2d, 21.2e, 21.3a, 21.4a, 21.5a, 21.5b, 21.5c, 21.5d, 22.1a, 22.1b, 22.2a, 22.2b, 22.2c, 22.2d, 22.3a, 22.4a, 22.5a, 22.5b, 22.5c, 22.5d, 22.6a, 22.6b, 22.7a, 22.7b, 22.8a, 22.8b, 22.8c, 22.8d, 22.8e, 22.8f, 22.8g, 22.8h, 22.8i, 22.8j, 22.8k, 22.8l, 22.8m, 22.8n, 22.8o, 22.8p, 22.8q, 22.9a, 22.9b, 22.9c, 22.9d, 22.11b, 22.11c, 22.11d, 22.11e, 22.11f, 23.1a, 23.2a, 23.3a, 23.3b, 23.3c, 24.1a, 24.4a, 25.1a, 25.1b, 25.2a, 25.2b, 25.2c, 25.2d, 25.3a, 25.3b, 25.3c, 25.4a, 25.4b, 25.4c, 25.4d, 25.4e, 25.5b, 25.6a, 25.6c, 26.1a, 26.1b, 26.1c, 26.1d, 26.2a, 26.2b, 26.3a, 26.3b, 26.4a
- Contributed the following reviews:
- Bonechi 1989
- Matthiae 2012
- Viganò 1995
- Viganò 2000
- Contributed the following themes:
- Rituals in the ANE and Israel
- Contributed the following sources:
- Appendices
- Appendix 1
- Appendix 2
- Appendix 3
- Appendix 4
- Appendix 5
- Appendix 6
- Appendix 7
- Appendix 8
- Appendix 9
- Appendix 10
- Appendix 11
- Appendix 12
- Appendix 13
- Appendix 14
- Appendix 15
- Appendix 16
- Appendix 17
- Contributed the following excerpts:
- Achtemeier et al. 1996
- Balentine (ed.) 2020
- Brelich 1976
- Buccellati 1981
- Buccellati 2012a
- Buccellati 2012b
- Buccellati 2014a
- Buccellati 2014b
- Cauvin 2000
- Cornford 1957
- Davis 2016
- Fine 2019
- Foster 2005
- Frahm 2011
- Frankfort et al. 1949
- Gammie, Perdue 1990
- Jacobsen 1976
- Liverani 2005
- RlA
- Xella 2014
- Contributed to the final review of the English promanuscript (mostly for what regards transliterations of words from ancient Near Eastern languages).
- Contributed to the DABI version of this website from HTML Version 0.