Mesopotamian Religion

10. Sources

Appendix 14: Spells for “the rise of the heart” (šaziga)

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Appendix 14: Spells for “the rise of the heart” (šaziga)

     Autograph: Biggs 1967 Shaziga = Biggs, Robert D. 1967, šà Ancient Mesopotamian Potency Incantations, Texts from Cuneiform Sources 2, Locust Valley: J.J. Augustin, Plates.
     Akkadian text and English translation (columns 2, 4): Biggs 1967 Shaziga = Biggs, Robert D. 1967, šà Ancient Mesopotamian Potency Incantations, Texts from Cuneiform Sources 2, Locust Valley: J.J. Augustin [quotation according to number and lines of the edited texts].

NB: The portion of text included in [...] and in smaller font is omitted in gB's translation.

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Appendix 14.1

Recalling the original situation
Autograph: Biggs 1967 Shaziga = Biggs 1967, Plates.
Text 3 (pp. 19-20) = LKA 95, r. 20-30
Akkadian text
(syllabic transcription)
Akkadian text
(phonemic transcription)
English translation
English translation
20 ÉN a-kan-nu MIN ri-mu MIN man-nu ú-[ram-me-k]a ki-ma qi-i šiptum akānu akkannu rīmu akkannu mannu u[rammek]a kīma qī Incantation. Wild ass! Wild ass! Wild bull! Wild bull! Who has made you [fall limp] like slack cords? Spell. Wild ass! (repeat). Wild bull! (repeat). Who made you as limp as a loose string?
21 ra-mu-ti mannu ki-ma ḫu-l[i a-lak-t]a-ka ip-ru-u[s] ramūti mannu kīma ḫūl[i alakt]aka ipru[s] Who has blocked your [way] like a ro[ad]? Who blocked your going out as (it should be for) an expedition?
22 man-nu it-bu-uk ana ŠÀ-ka [A.MEŠ ka]-ṣu-ti mannu itbuk ana libbika [mā ka]ṣūti Who has poured co[ld water] on your “heart” Who poured cold water on your heart?
23 ana UGU ŠÀ-ka iš-kun a-d[ir-t]a [di-l]ip-ta i-[x x x] ana muḫḫi libbika iškun ad[irt]a [dil]ipta i-[x x x] (and) has put gl[oom] upon your heart, has [...-ed you con]fusion? (Who) put darkness over your heart, did (cause you) confusion?

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Appendix 14.2

The living metaphor
Autograph: Biggs 1967 Shaziga = Biggs 1967, Plates.
Text 13 (pp. 31-32) = KAR 70:45-r.9 (A); S1-3-30,377 (= BM 46911) r.1-15; B = 46-r.8 (Plate 3)
Akkadian text
(syllabic transcription)
Akkadian text
(phonemic transcription)
English translation
English translation
r45 [ÉN ina SAG-ia da-a]š-šu ra-ki-is : ina še-pi-ti-ia [šiptum ina qaqqadiya da]ššu rakis : ina šēpītiya [Incantation. At my head a bu]ck is tied! At my feet Spell. A ram is tied to the headboard (of the bed), a ram is tied to the feet (of the bed).
46 [pu-ḫa-lu ra-ki-i]s da-aš(!)-šu ḫu-ub-bi-ba-ni [puḫālu raki]s daš(!)šu ḫubbibāni [a ram is tied]! Buck, caress me! O ram, caress me!
47 [pu-ḫa-lu] rik-ta-ban-ni [puḫālu] riktabānni [Ram], copulate with me! O ram, come and ride me!
48 [x x x] du-ku-uk ri-i-mi it-ti-ka lit-ba-a [x x x] dukuk rīmi ittika litbā [...] Prance about, wild bull! Let yout strength rise for you! O wild bull, rear up [in front of me]!
49 e-mu-qa-an it-ti-ka lit-ba-a bir-ka-na a-ni-ḫa-tu emūqan ittika litbā birkāna anīḫatu Let your tired knees rise for you! Raise up your strength! Raise your tired knees high (= the organ)!
v1 [it-ti-ka lit-ba]-⸢ami-na-tu-ka it-ti-ka [li]t-[ba-a] meš-re-⸢tu-[ka] (2) [it-t]i-ka lit-ba-a ku-lu-l[i-ka] (3) [x x x]-ka-ma⸣(?) ma-a-a-al-ta⸣ [x x] [ittika litb]⸢āminātuka ittika [li]t[] mešrē⸢tu[ka] (2) [itt]ika litbā kulūl[ika] (3) [x x x]ka-ma⸣(?) mālta⸣ [x x] [Let] your limbs [rise for you]! [Let] your members [rise] for you! (2) Let [your] ... rise [for] you! (3) [...] ... the bed [(...)] May your limbs stand high! May your organs rise high!
4 x x x x ⸢ta-ߴ-dir ra-am-kaeta-šú-[] x x x x ⸢taߴdir rāmkaeta-šú-[] Do not(?) fear ...! Do not wor[ry] about love-making! Do not be afraid! Do not distress yourself making love!
5 ina qí-bit <<ina>> te-e te-li-tidIš-ta[r] ina qibīt <<ina>> tē teti Išta[r] According to the wording(?) of the incantation of wise Ištar, ... It is Ishtar's command, who well understands and of Ea, Shamash, Marduk.