Mesopotamian Religion

10. Sources

Appendix 7: Manual for a seer examining a sacrificed animal

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Appendix 7: Manual for a seer examining a sacrificed animal

     Autograph: Van Dijk 1985 Y O S 11 = Van Dijk, J.J.A., Goetze Albrecht, and Hussey, Mary Inda 1985, Early Mesopotamian Incantations and Rituals, Yale Oriental Series, Vol. 11, New Haven-London: Yale University Press (Text A = HSM 7494; Pls. 29-33).
     Akkadian text and English translation (columns 2, 4): Starr 1983 Diviner = Starr, Ivan 1983, The Rituals of the Diviner, Bibliotheca Mesopotamica 12, Malibu: Undena Publications, pp. 30-36.

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Appendix 7.1

Introductory invocation
Akkadian text
(syllabic transcription)
Akkadian text (phonemic transcription)
English translation
English translation
1 [dUTU be]-el di-n[im] dIM be-el ik-ri-bi ù bi-ri-im [Šamaš bē]l dīn[im] Adad bēl ikribi ù bīrim Šamaš, lord of judgment; Adad, lord of extispicy-rituals and divination, 1 Sun-god, lord of the verdict; storm-god, lord of rituals and divination,
2 [na-ši-a-k]u-[n]u-ši-im ša-a-am ma-ri ša-a-ti el-lam ti-iq-qí-a-am pu-ḫa-da-am ba-ar-ma-a-am [našāk]u[n]ušim šām māri šāti ellam tiqqām puḫādam barmam bring to you (as an offering) a pure lamb born of a ewe; a clear-eyed(?) lamb, a speckled lamb, I bring you the offering of a pure lamb born of a pure sheep, with bright eyes, a spotted lamb,
3 [ṣù-pa]-am ṣù-up-pu-ra-am ši-pa-tim el-lam ša i-na pu-qù-ù ša-a-ti it-ta-ab-ba [ṣupa]m ṣuppuram šīpātim ellam ša ina pūqu/i šāti ittabba pure suppu-lamb with curly fleece who follows(?) behind the ewe. a special lamb, with a curly fleece, that still is attached to its mother.
4 [ša ri-ḫ]u-um i-ti-iq-šu imi-it-tam ù šu-me-lam la is-su-hḫ a-na-sa-aḫ-kum i-ti-iq-šu ša i-mi-tim [ù] šu-me-lim [ša rīḫ]um itiqšu imittam ù šumēlam lā issuḫ anasaḫkum itiqšu ša imitim [u] šumēlim Its fleece, on the left and on the right, which no shepherd had plucked, I will pluck for you; its fleece, on the left and on the right, He's still intact, and it will be me who will now tear his fleece just for you (!), both left and right.
5 [a-ša-ka-a]n-ku i-na za-i-im qí-ri i-li ra-bu-tim za-ú-um ù GIŠ.ERIN li-iq-ri-a-ku-nuti-i-ma [ašakā]nku ina zīm qīri ilī rabūtim zūm u qišti liqriakunūti-ma will place for you. Invite the gods by means of (cedar) resin. Let resin and cedar (fragrance) bring you forth. The scent of cedar resin invites (!) the great gods (to be here with us)! May the cedar resin welcome you (all) here!
6 [i-na] ⸢te-er-ti e-ep-pu-šu i-na ik-ri-ib a-ka-ar-ra-bu ki-it-tam šu-uk-na-an [ina] ⸢tērti eppušu ina ikrib akarrābu kittam šuknan In the extispicy I make, in the ritual I perform, place a true verdict. And so you two instill the truth in the liver analysis I am about to do, in the ritual I am about to perform!
7 [i-na di-i]n(?) ša an-na-an-na ma-ri an-na-an-na i-na pu-ḫa-ad a-ka-ar-ra-bu ki-it-tam šu-uk-nam [ina dī]n(?) ša annanna māri annanna ina puḫād akarrābu kittam šuknan In the case(?) of so-and-so, the son of so-and-so, in the lamb I am offering place a true verdict. Infuse (!) the truth in the lamb of sacrifice in the name of so-and-so!
8 [a(?)]-si-kum dUTU šu-te-bi-ib am-ta-ḫa-ar-ka i-na pu-ḫa-ad a-ka-ar-ra-bu ki-it-tam šu-uk-nam [a(?)]sikum Šamaš šutebib amtaḫarka ina puḫād akarrābu kittam šuknan appeal to you, O Šamaš; cleanse (me), I beseech you. In the lamb I am offering place a true verdict. I come to you, O sun god, to ask you to purify me, to infuse truth into the lamb of sacrifice.
9 dUTU te-ep-te-a-am sí-ik-ku-ri da-la-at ša-me-e te-li-a-am sí-mi-la-at uq-<ni>-im el-li-im Šamaš teptam sikkūri dalāt šamē teliam símilat uq<nī>m ellim Šamaš, you have opened the locks of the gates of heaven; you went up a staircase of pure lapis lazuli. O sun-god, you opened the deadbolt on the gates of heaven, you climbed the staircase of pure lapis lazuli,
10 ul-lu-um-ma na-ši-a-ti ši-bi-ir-ri uq-ni-im i-na a-ḫi-ka a-na di-ni [ta]-di-a-nim ullum-ma našiāti šibirri uqnīm ina aḫīka ana dīni [ta]dianim Lifting (it), you carry a staff of lapis lazuli in your arms for the cases that you judge. you carry a scepter of lapis lazuli high in your arms for cases where you are the judge.
11 ta-di-in di-in i-li ra-bu-tim ta-di-in di-in ú-ma-mi-im ta-di-in di-in te-ni-ši-tim tadīn dīn ilī rabūtim tadīn dīn umāmim tadīn dīn tenīšitim You judge the case of the great gods; you judge the case of the beasts of the field; you judge the case of mankind. because you judge even the cases of the great gods, you judge the cases of wild animals like those of men.
12 u4-ma-am di-in an-na-an-na ma-ri an-na-an-na di-na-a-ma i-na i-mi-ti pu-ḫa-di-im an-ni-im ki-it-tam ù šu-me-el pu-ḫa-di an-ni-im ki-it-tam šu-uk-na-an ūmam dīn annanna māri annanna dīnama ina imiti puḫādim annīm kittam u šumēl puḫādi annīm kittam šuknan Judge today the case of so-and-so, son of so-and-so. On the right of this lamb (place) a true verdict, and on the left of this lamb place a true verdict. Therefore, judge today the case of so-and-so! Infuse the truth on the right side of this lamb. Infuse the truth on the left side of this lamb!
13 ir-ba-am dUTU be-el di-nim ir-ba-am dIM be-el ik-ri-bi ù be-ri-im ir-ba-amdEN.⸣ZU šar-ri a-gi-im irbam Šamaš bēl dīnim irbam Adad bēl ikribi u bērim irbam Sin šarri agīm Enter, O Šamaš, lord of judgment; enter, O Adad, lord of extispicy-rituals and divination; enter, O Sin, king of the crown, Come in, O God-sun, lord of the verdict! Enter, O storm god, lord of rituals and divination! Enter, O moon god, lord of the crown!
14 ù be-il-it bi-ri-im dIš-ḫa-ra wa-ši-ba-at ku-um-mi-im dGU.AN.NA ša-su-uk-ka-at i-li na-gi-ra-at dA-nim u bēlit bīrim Išḫara wašibat kummim Guanna šasukkat ilī nāgirat Anim and Išḫara, lady of divination, who dwells in the holy chamber; Guanna, registrar of the gods, herald of Anu; O Išhara, lady of divination, who dwells in the sacred rooms! O Guanna, chancellor of the gods and ambassador to the sky-god!
15 dNÈ.IRI11.GAL be-el GIŠ.TUKUL DINGIR-lam be-el te-er-ti e-ep-pu-šu šu-zi-za-nim-ma i-na te-er-ti e-ep-pu-šu ki-it-tam šu-uk-na-an Nergal bēl kakkī ilam bēl tērti eppušu šuzizanim-ma ina tērti eppušu kittam šuknan (and) Nergal, lord of the weapon. Cause the god, lord of the extispicy I perform, to stand (in my extispicy). In the extispicy I make place a true verdict. O Nergal, lord of arms! All of you, make sure the Lord of the sacrifice I'm about to make is present! Infuse the truth!
16 i-na ši-ik-na-at i-li ra-bu-tim i-na tu-up-pi ša i-li ta-ka-al-tum li-ši-ib ina šiknat ilī rabūtim ina tuppi ša ilī tākaltum lišib In the manifestation of the great gods, in the tablet of the gods, let a takaltu be present. May there be, in the presence of the great gods, in the divine tablet (in the shape and model of the liver), the mirror image (of the lamb's liver)!
17 dNisaba tu-up-ša-ra-tum li-ša-ṭe4-er di-na-am dSIPA im-me-ra-am li-ṭe4-ḫi a-na pu-ḫu-ur i-li ra-bu-tim a-na šu-lu-[um(?) di(?) ]-nim Nisaba tupšaratum lišaṭer dīnam Nusku immeram liṭeḫi ana puḫur ilī rabūtim ana šūl[um(?) (?)]nim Let Nisaba, the (divine) scribe, have the case recorded. Let Nusku present a sheep for the assembly of the great gods, for the disposal(?) of the case. And that in this way Nisaba, the scribe (of the gods), record the verdict; that Nusku present a (similar) sheep in the assembly of the great gods in order that the verdict be complete.
18 li-iš-bu-ma da-a-a-nu i-lu-ú ra-bu-tim wa-ši-bu GIŠ.GU.ZA-a-at ḫu-ra-ṣi a-ki-lu pa-aš-šu-ur uq-ni-im ma-ḫa-ar-ka lišbu-ma dānū ilū rabūtim wašibū kuššāt ḫurāṣi akilū paššur uqnīm maḫārka Let the judges, the great gods, who sit on golden thrones, who eat at a table of lapis lazuli, sit before you. Let the great divine judges, who sit on golden thrones and eat at the table of lapis lazuli, sit before you
19 i-na ki-it-tim ù mi-ša-ri-im li-di-nu di-na-am u4-ma-am di-in an-na-an-na ma-ri an-na-an-na di-na-a-ma ina kittim u mīšarim lidinū dīnam ūmam dīn annanna māri annanna dīnama Let them judge the case in justice and righteousness. Judge today the case of so-and-so, son of so-and-so. who can judge the case according to law and justice! Judge this day the case of so-and-so,
20 i-na i-mi-it-ti pu-ḫa-di-im an-ni-im ki-it-tam ù šu-me-el pu-ḫa-di-im an-ni-im ki-it-tam šu-uk-na-an ina imitti puḫādi annīm kittam u šumēl puḫādi an-m kittam šuknan On the right of this lamb (place) a true verdict, and on the left of this lamb place a true verdict. instill truth in the right and left of this lamb!
21 pu-ḫa-da-am an-ni-a-am a-na šu-lum an-na-an-na ma-ri an-na-an-na e-ep-pu-uš ana šu-ul-mi-im puḫādam annīam ana šulum annanna māri annanna eppuš ana šulmim I perform this extispicy for the well-being of so-and-so, son of so-and-so, for well-being. Behold, I treat this lamb for the welfare of so-and-so, the son of so-and-so. For the well-being!

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Appendix 7.2

The external parts of the body
Akkadian text
(syllabic transcription)
Akkadian text (phonemic transcription)
English translation
English translation
22 re-eš im-me-ri-im i-mi-it-tam li-wi-ir šu-me-lam li-it-ru-uk rēš immerim imittam liwir šumēlam litruk Let the head of the sheep be light on the right; let it be dark on the left. May the sheep's head light up to the right, darken to the left,
23 ni-iš re-eš im-me-ri-im i-mi-it-tam li-wi-ir šu-me-lam li-it-ru-uk nīš rēš immerim imittam liwir šumēlam litruk Let the poll of the head of the sheep be light on the right; let it be dark on the left. the back of the sheep's neck light up on the right, darken on the left,
24 šu-ul-mu-um i-na na-ap-ša-at im-me-ri-im imi-it-tam li-wi-ir šu-me-lam li-it-ru-uk šulmum ina napšāt immerim imittam liwir šumēlam litruk Let the dewlap(?) on the throat of the sheep be light on the right; let it be dark on the left. the sheep's neck light up on the right, darken on the left,
25 a-ḫu-um i-ir-tum imi-it-tam li-wi-ir šu-me-lam li-it-ru-u[k] aḫum irtum imittam liwir šumēlam litru[k] Let the flank (and the) chest be light on the right; let it be dark on the left. the side of the sheep's chest light up on the right, darken on the left!
26 i-du-um i-mi-it-tam li-ik-šu-ud šu-me-lam li-na-ḫi-is ši-ru-um i-mi-it-tam li-li-ik šu-melam [li-na]-ḫi-is idum imittam likšud šumēlam linaḫis šīrum imittam lilik šumēlam [lina]ḫis Let the side stretch out on the right; let it be compressed on the left. Let the flesh bulge on the right; let it be recessed on the left. May the sheep's side extend to the right, narrow to the left, the flesh swell to the right, narrow to the left,
27 zi-ib-ba-tum imi-it-tam li-li-ik šu-me-lam li-pa-ṭe4-er nim-šu i-mi-it-tam li-li-ku šu-me-l[am li-na]-ḫ-su zibbatum imittam lilik šumēlam lipaṭer nimšū imittam lilikū šumēl[am lina]ḫsū Let the tail be taut on the right; let it be loosened on the left. Let the tendons expand on the right; let them be contracted on the left. the tail move to the right, stiffen to the left, tendons relax to the right, stiffen to the left.
28a uši-ri-id a-na li-ib-bi im-me-ri-im te-er-tam ušīrid ana libbi immerim tērtam He brought down an oracle into the sheep. (Shamash) brought down the oracle inside the sheep.

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Appendix 7.3

The innards of the animal
Akkadian text
(syllabic transcription)
Akkadian text (phonemic transcription)
English translation
English translation
28b ku-nu-uk-e-ṣe-em-ṣe-ri-im[?] ki-is-ri[?] ši-na i-mi-[it-tum šu-me-lam] li-ti-iq kunūk eṣemṣērim kiṣrī šina imi[ttum šumēlam] litiq Of the vertebrae, whose joints(?) are two, let the right one exceed the left one. Of the vertebrae, in double series, may the right extend beyond the left, [...] (44 lines describing in detail the various organs of the animal follow).