Mesopotamian Religion

10. Sources

Appendix 16: Spells of the “stake” (maqlû)

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Appendix 16: Spells of the “stake” (maqlû)

     Akkadian text and German translation (columns 3, 5): Meier 1967 Maqlu = Meier, Gerhard 1967 Die assyrische Beschwörungssammlung Maqlû, Archiv für Orientforschung, Beiheft 2, Osnabruck: Biblio Verlag.

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Appendix 16.1

The use of figurines against the evil eye
Meier 1967 Maqlu = Meier 1967, pp. 7-8
Text, line
Akkadian text
(syllabic transcription)
Akkadian text (phonemic transcription)
German translation
English translation
Title. Invocation I, 1 én al-si-ku-nu-ši ilânimeš mu-ši-ti (2) it-ti-ku-nu al-si mu-ši-tum kal-la-tum kut-úm-tum (3) al-si ba-ra-ri-tum qab-lí-tum u na-ma-ri-tum šiptum alsikunuši ilāni mušīti (2) ittikunu alsi mušītum kallātum kutumtum (3) alsi barārītum qablītum u namārītum Beschwörung. Ich habe euch angerufen, ihr Götter der Nacht. (2) Mit euch rief ich die Nacht, die verhüllte Braut. (3) Ich rief die Abenddämmerung, die Mitternacht und das Morgengrauen, Incantation. I summon you, gods of the night, (2) and with you I invoke the night, the veiled bride, (3) dusk, midnight, dawn –
Motivation I, 4 áš-šú fkaššaptu ú-kaš-šip-an-ni (5) e-li-ni-tum ub-bi-ra-an-ni (6) ili-ia5 ù dištar-ia5 ú-šis-su-u elî-ia5 aššu kaššaptu ukaššipanni (5) elīnītum ubbiranni (6) iliya u Ištarya ušissū elīya weil die Zauberin mich bezaubert hat, (5) der Alp mich gebunden hat. (6) Meinen Gott und meine Göttin entfernten sie von mir, because the witch bewitched me, (5) the beguiler caught me in knots, (6) they have driven my god and goddess away from me.
I, 7 eli a-me-ri-ia5 am-ru-uṣ a-na-ku (8) im-di-ku la ṣa-la-lu mûša ù ur-ra eli amēriya āmru anāku (8) imdiku lā ṣalalu mūša u urra dem, der mich sieht, bin ich beschwerlich geworden, (8) habe keine Ruhe Tag und Nacht. Look, I have become a pitiful case for those who turn to look at me, (8) I am overwhelmed by the weight of anxiety day and night.
I, 9 qu-u im-ta-na-al-lu-u pî-ia (10) ú-pu-un-ti pî-ia5 ip-ru-su (11) meš maš-ti-ti-ia5 u-maṭ-ṭu-ú qū imtanallu pīya (10) upunti pīya iprusu (11) mē maštītiya umaṭṭu Mit Zauberknoten haben sie meinen Mund gefüllt, (10) mit Mehl mir den Mund verschlossen, (11) mein Trinkwasser verringert. They keep tying (magic) knots on my mouth, (10) they stuck my mouth together with mush, (11) they made my drinking water disappear.
I, 12 elīli nubū ḫidūti sipdi e-li-li nu-bu-ú ḫi-du-ti si-ip-di Mein Jubel ist Wehklage, meine Freude Trauer. My song of joy – a sad elegy, my joy – sadness.
Invocation I, 13 i-zi-za-nim-ma ilânimeš rabûtimeš ši-ma-a da-ba-bi izizanimma ilāni rabūti šīma dababi Tretet herbei, ihr grossen Götter, hört meine Anklage! Stand by my side, great gods, listen to my presentation!
The figurine I, 15 e-pu-uš ṣalam amêlkaššapi-ia5 u fkaššapti-ia5 (16) ša e-piš-ia5 u muš-te-piš-ti-ia5 (17) aš-kun ina šap-li-ku-nu-ma a-dib-bu-ub di-ni epūš ṣalam kaššapiya u kaššaptiya (16) ša epišia u muštēpištya (17) aškun ina šaplikunu-ma adibbub dini Ich habe gefertigt die Figur meines Zauberers und meiner Zauberin, (16) meines Behexers und meiner Behexerin, (17) habe sie euch zu Füssen gelegt und bringe meine Rechtssache vor: I made the figure of my enchanter or my enchantress (16) of my sorcerer or my sorceress: (17) I put it at your feet and present my case to you as in a trial:
The prosecution I, 18 áš-šú i-pu-šá lim-ni-e-ti iš-te-ߴ-a la ba-na-a-ti (19) ši-i li-mut-ma a-na-ku lu-ub-luṭ aššu ipušu limnēti išteߴa lā banāti (19) šī limut-ma anāku lubluṭ Weil sie Böses getan hat, nach šchlimmem getrachtet, (19) möge sie sterben, ich aber am Leben bleiben! because he did the wrong thing, he looked for what is ugly, (19) may it (!) die, but may I stay alive!
I, 20 kiš-pu-šá ru-ḫu-šá ru-su-ú-šá lip-pa-áš-ru kišpušu ruḫušu rusūša lippašru Ihre Zauberei, ihr Spuk, ihre Hexerei mögen gelöst sein! May his witchcraft, his evil eye his calamity dissolve!
Liberation I, 21 iṣbînu lil-lil-an-ní šá qim-ma-tú ša-ru-ú (22) iṣgišimmaru lip-šur-an-ni ma-ḫi-rat kalu-ú šâru bīnu lillilanní ša qimmatu šāru (22) gišimmaru lipšuranni maḫīrat kalū šâru Die Tamariske mache mich rein, die im Wipfel hochgewachsen ist! (22) Die Dattelpalme löse mich, die den ganzen Wind auffängt! May the tamarisk cleanse me, the branch grown on top of the tree! (22) May it free me the foliage of the palm tree, which unfolds in the wind.
I, 23 šammaštakal li-bi-ban-ni šá irṣitimtim mala-a-ta (24) terînatu lip-šur-an-ni šá še-am ma-la-a-ta maštakal libibanni ša irṣitim malāta (24) terīnatu lipšuranni ša šām malāta Das maštakal-Kraut mache mich glänzend, das die Erde füllt! (24) Der Tannenzapfen löse mich, der voll ist von Samen! May the mashtakal grass make me shine with light, (the lawn) covering the ground! (24) May the pine cones set me free, that are full of seeds!
I, 25 ina maḫ-ri-ku-nu e-te-lil ki-ma šamsassati (26) e-te-bi-ib az-za-ku ki-ma la-ar-di ina maḫrīkunu etelil kēma sassati (26) etebib azzaku ēma lardi Vor euch bin ich hell geworden wie Gras, (26) bin glänzend, rein geworden wie Nardengras. In front of you I am shining like grass, (26) I am serene, I am pure like the soap plant!

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Appendix 16.2

Protection from figurines made to procure the evil eye
Meier 1967 Maqlu = Meier 1967, pp. 10-11
Text, line
Akkadian text
(syllabic transcription)
Akkadian text (phonemic transcription)
German translation
English translation
I, 95 at-ta dnus[ku dai]ânu ka-šid lim-nu u a-a-bi kušus-su-nu-ti-ma ana-ku la aḫ-ḫab-bil attā Nus[ku dai]ānu kašid limnu u ābi kušussunuti-ma āku lā aḫḫabbil Du, Nus[ku, Ri]chter, der da fängt Böse und Feinde, fange sie, während ich nicht zugrundegehe! Thou, O Nusku, the judge who captures the evil one and the enemy, take them in hand so that I do not perish!
I, 96 šá ṣalmânimeš-ia5 ib-nu-u bu-un-na-an-ni-ia5 u-maš-ši-lu4 ša ṣalmāniya ibnu bunnannīya umaššilu Die meine Figuren gefertigt, meine Gestalt nachgebildet haben, Whoever made my image, reproduced my features, captured my face,
I, 97 [pâni-ia5] ú-ṣab-bi-tú kišâdi-ia5 ú-tar-ri-ru [pāniya] uṣabbitu kišādiya utarriru die [mein Antlitz] ergriffen, meinen Hals zuschnürten, (so that on that image) they can shake my neck, they can pierce my chest,
I, 98 irti-ia5 id-i-bu eṣemti-ia5 ik-pu-pu (99) [a-ḫi-ia5] un-ni-šu ni-iš lib-bi-ia5 iṣ-ba-tu (100) lib-bi i[lânimeš itti-ia5] ú-za-an-nu-ú emûqi-ia5 un-ni-šu irtiya idibu eṣemtiya ikpupu (99) [aḫiya] unnišu nīš libbiya iṣbatu (100) libbi i[lāni ittiya] uzannu emūqiya unnišu meine Brust stiessen, meinen Rücken krümmten, (99) [meine Arme] schwächten, meine Manneskraft wegnahmen, (100) das Herz der G[ötter mit mir] erzürnten, meine Kraft schwächten, [...] they can bend my back, they can weaken me [my arms], they can rip out my heart (= genitals), [...].
I, 110 at-ta dgira qa-mu-ú amêlkaššapu u fkaššaptu attā Gira qamu kaššapu u kaššaptu Du, o Feuergott: der den Zauberer und die Zauberin verbrennt, [...] You, O fire-god who burn the enchanter and the enchantress [...].
I, 115 qu-mu amêlkaššapu u fkaššaptu qumu kaššapu u kaššaptu Verbrenne Zauberer und Zauberin! [...] Burn the enchanter and the enchantress! Devour my enemies! destroy those who wish me ill! [...].