14.1 The Pendulum of Power
14.2 Sumerian Unification: Ur III (2100-2000)
14.3 The First Division: Isin and Larsa (2000-1800)
14.4 The First Multi-Regional State: Assur and Mari (1800)
14.5 Babylonian Unification: Hammurapi (1792-1750)
14.6 The Second Division: Marshes and Steppe (1700-1500)
14.7 The 'International' Horizons: the 'Amorite' Kingdoms
14.8 Foreign Trade
14.5 Babylonian Unification: Hammurapi (1792-1750)
It is worthy to report here verbatim G. Buccellati’s explanation about the correct etymology and spelling of the personal name ‘Hammurapi’: The name is usually rendered ‘Hammurabi’ but this mixes Amorite (Hammu for ʿammu ‘the (deified) paternal uncle,’ and Akkadian (rabi ‘is great’). One should instead keep the original Amorite also for the second part, which is to be read rapi ‘he heals’ – hence ‘the (deified) paternal uncle heals,’ parallel to Hebrew Raphael for rapā-El ‘god heals’ (Buccellati, Origins, p. 174, fn. 10). Cf. also Streck 1999 Hammurabi.
– [ Marco De Pietri, April 2024]
14.6 The Second Division: Marshes and Steppe (1700-1500)
For the assimilation of new territories, see American expansion westward with Andrew Jackson.
– [ Giorgio Buccellati, July 2020]
On Hammurapi and the correct (Amorrite) spelling of his name, cf. e.g. Streck 1999 Hammurabi.
– [ Marco De Pietri, February 2024]
On Terqa/Tell Ashara, see the dedicated website.
– [ Marco De Pietri, April 2024]
14.7 The 'International' Horizons: the 'Amorite' Kingdoms
Ugarit: seal of Yaqarum (cf. Di Paolo 2013 Yaqaru).
– [ Giorgio Buccellati, July 2020]
Tell Sekka: see inscription.
– [ Giorgio Buccellati, July 2020]