Year |
Author |
Title |
Arslantepe |
Arslantepe. The Mound of the Lion |
Cambridge Ancient History |
EbDA |
Ebla Digital Archives |
Enheduana |
Enheduana |
Schmandt-Besserat |
Denise Schmandt-Besserat |
1651 |
Hobbes, Thomas |
Leviathan |
1689/1690 |
Locke, John |
Two Treatises of Government |
1725 |
Vivaldi, Antonio |
Il cimento dell’armonia e dell’invenzione |
1784 |
Kant, Immanuel |
“Idee zu einer allgemeinen Geschichte in weltbürgerlicher Absicht” |
1861-1884 |
Rawlinson, Henry Creswicke |
The Cuneiform Inscriptions of Western Asia |
1876 |
McCrindle, Watson |
The Indica of Arrian |
1884 |
Chinnock, E.J. |
The Anabasis of Alexander |
1889-1899 |
Bezold, Carl |
Catalogue of the Cuneiform Tablets in the Kouyunjik Collection of the British Museum, 5 Vols. |
1903 |
Langdon, Stephen |
The Annals of Ashurbanapal |
1903 |
Simmel, Georg |
«Die Grosstädte und das Geistesleben» |
1904 |
Harper, Robert Francis |
The Code of Ḫammurabi King of Babylon |
1911 |
Langdon, Stephen |
A Sumerian Grammar and Chrestomathy with a Vocabulary of the Principal Roots in Sumerian and a List of the Most Important Syllabic and Vowel Transcriptions |
1912 |
Durkheim, Émile |
Les formes élémentaires de la vie religieuse. Le système totémique en Australie |
1912 |
Thureau-Dangin, Fr. |
“La fin de la domination Gutienne” |
1914 |
King, Leonard William |
Catalogue of the Cuneiform Tablets in the Kouyunjik Collection of the British Museum: Supplement |
1914 |
Nesbit, William M. |
Sumerian Records from Drehem |
1915 |
Knudtzon, Jørgen Alexander |
Die El-Amarna-Tafeln mit Einleitung und Erlauterungen (2 Vols) |
1921 |
Clarke, Somers |
“El-Kâb and the Great Wall” |
1924 |
Luckenbill, Daniel David |
The Annals of Sennacherib |
1928 |
Childe, Vere Gordon |
The Most Ancient East. The Oriental Prelude to European Prehistory |
1928- |
RdA = Otto, Dietz et al. |
Reallexikon der Assyriologie und Vorderasiatischen Archäologie |
1929 |
Barton, George A. |
The Royal Inscriptions of Sumer and Akkad |
1930 |
Deimel, Anton |
Codex Ḫammurabi |
1934 |
Woolley, C. Leonard |
Ur Excavations. Volume II: The Royal Cemetery |
1936 |
Childe, Vere Gordon |
Man makes himself |
1938 |
Loud, Gordon; Altman, Charles B. |
Khorsabad. Part II. The Citadel and the Town |
1939 |
Jacobsen, Thorkild |
The Sumerian King List |
1940 |
Gadd, Cyril J. |
“Tablets from Chagar Bazar and Tall Brak, 1937-38” |
1944 |
Gelb, Ignace J. |
Hurrians and Subarians |
1944 |
Oppenheim, Leo |
“The Mesopotamian Temple” |
1946 |
Cassirer, Ernst |
Language and Myth |
1947 |
Mallowan, Max E.L. |
“Excavations at Brak and Chagar Bazar” |
1948 |
Frankfort, Henri A. |
Kingship and the Gods: A Study of Ancient Near Eastern Religion as the Integration of Society and Nature |
1949 |
Fairman, Herbert W. |
“Town Planning in Pharaonic Egypt” |
1950 |
Childe, Vere Gordon |
“The Urban Revolution” |
1953 |
Jaspers, Karl |
The Origin and Goal of History |
1955 |
Finkelstein, Jacob Joel |
“Subartu and Subarians in Old Babylonian Sources” |
19552 |
Pritchard, James Bennett |
Ancient Near Eastern Texts Relating to the Old Testament [ANET] |
1956 |
Avigad, Nahman; Yadin, Yigael |
A Genesis Apocryphon. A Scroll from the Wilderness of Judea: Description and Contents of the Scroll, Facsimiles, Transcription and Translation of Columns 2, 19-22 |
1956-2010 |
CAD = Roth, Martha T. et al. |
The Assyrian Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago |
1957 |
Edzard, Dietz Otto |
Die “zweite Zwischenzeit” Babyloniens |
1959 |
Buccellati, Giorgio |
“Note. ‘Popolo del Paese’” |
19592 |
Weingreen, Jacob |
A Practical Grammar for Classical Hebrew |
1960 |
Buccellati, Giorgio |
“Gli Israeliti di Palestina al tempo dell’esilio” |
1960 |
Lambert, Wilfred G. |
Babylonian Wisdom Literature |
1962 |
Finkelstein, Jacob Joel |
“Mesopotamia” |
1963 |
Buccellati, Giorgio |
“I testi economici della III dinastia di Ur. |
1963 |
Gelb, Ignace J. |
A Study of Writing |
1964 |
Oppenheim, Leo |
Ancient Mesopotamia. Portrait of a Dead Civilization |
1966 |
Badawy, Alexander |
Architecture in Ancient Egypt and the Near East |
1966 |
Buccellati, Giorgio |
The Amorites of the Ur III Period |
1966 |
Buccellati, Giorgio |
“Review to: Herbert Bardwell Huffmon, Amorite Personal Names in the Mari Texts: A Structural and Lexical Study, Baltimore: The John Hopkins Press, 1965, pp. XVI + 304” |
1966 |
Fitzmyer, Joseph A. |
The Genesis Apocryphon of Qumran Cave I, a Commentary (third edition 2004) |
1967 |
Badawy, Alexander |
“The Civic Sense of Pharaoh and Urban Development in Ancient Egypt” |
1967 |
Mellaart, James |
Çatal Hüyük: A Neolithic Town in Anatolia |
1967 |
Oppenheim, Leo |
Letters from Mesopotamia: Official, Business, and Private Letters on Clay Tablets from Two Millennia |
1968 |
Badawy, Alexander |
A History of Egyptian Architecture. The Empire (the New Kingdom) |
1968 |
Derrida, Jacques |
La pharmacie de Platon [première version pubbliée dans le Tel Quel (32 -33)] |
1968 |
Lampl, Paul |
Cities and Planning in the Ancient Near East |
1968 |
Liverani, Mario |
“Review to: Buccellati 1966, The Amorites of the Ur III Period“ |
1968 |
Liverani, Mario |
“Variazioni climatiche e fluttuazioni demografiche nella storia siriana” |
1968 |
Makkay, J. |
“The Tartaria Tablets” |
1969 |
Strauss, E. |
“The Bureaucratic Mind” |
1970 |
Bittel, Kurt |
Hattusha: The Capital of the Hittites |
1970 |
Jacobsen, Thorkild |
Towards the Image of Tammuz |
1971 |
Gelb, Ignace J. |
“On the Alleged Temple and State Economies in Ancient Mesopotamia” |
1972 |
Buccellati, Giorgio |
“Tre saggi sulla sapienza mesopotamica – III. La teodicea: condanna dell’abulia politica” |
1972 |
Kang, Shin Theke |
Sumerian Economic Texts from the Drehem Archive |
1972 |
Marshack, Alexander |
The Roots of Civilization: the Cognitive Beginning of Man’s First Art, Symbol and Notation |
1972 |
Muraoka, Takamitsu |
“Notes on the Aramaic of the Genesis Apocryphon” |
1974 |
Goedicke, Hans |
“The Inverted Water” |
1976 |
Gadamer, Hans-Georg |
Philosophical Hermeneutics |
1976 |
Kemp, Barry J. |
“The Window of Appearance at El-Amarna, and the Basic Structure of This City” |
1976 |
Sterba, Richard L.A. |
“The Organization and Management of the Temple Corporations in Ancient Mesopotamia” |
1977 |
Buccellati, Giorgio |
“The «Urban Revolution» in a Socio-Political Perspective” |
1977 |
Cohen, Mark Nathan |
The Food Crisis in Prehistory: Overpopulation and the Origins of Agriculture |
1977 |
Goody, Jack |
The Domestication of the Savage Mind |
1977 |
Gramsci, Antonio |
Quaderni del carcere |
1977 |
Kemp, Barry J. |
“The City of El-Amarna as a Source for the Study of Urban Society in Ancient Egypt” |
1978 |
Pace, David |
“Structuralism in History and the Social Sciences” |
1978 |
Shiloh, Yigal |
“Elements in the Development of Town Planning in the Israelite City” |
1978 |
Sokolowski, Robert |
Presence and Absence. A Philosophical Investigation of Language and Being |
1978 |
Spalinger, Anthony |
“A New Reference to an Egyptian Campaign of Thutmose III in Asia” |
1978 |
Weber, Max |
Economy and Society: An Outline of Interpretive Sociology |
1979 |
Brice, William C. |
“The Pictographic Tablets from Jemdet Nasr” |
1979 |
Brüschweiler, Françoise |
“La ville dans les textes littéraires sumériens” |
1979 |
Oded, Bustenay |
Mass Deportations and Deportees in the Neo-Assyrian Empire |
1979 |
Parlebas, Jacques |
“La notion de niout (localité) dans la pensée égyptienne antique” |
1979 |
Vercoutter, Jean |
“Que savons-nous de la ville égyptienne ?” |
19792 |
Maquet, Jacques |
Introduction to Aesthetic Anthropology |
1980 |
Amiet, Pierre |
La glyptique Mésopotamienne archaïque |
1980 |
Edzard, Otto |
“Id (Gottheit)” |
1980 |
Greenberg. Joseph; Hymes, Dell; Friedrich, Paul |
On Linguistic Anthropology: Essays in Honor of Harry Hoijer (1979), [Maquet, Jacques edidit] |
1980 |
Hawkins, John D. |
“Karkamiš” |
1980 |
Laroche, Emmanuel |
Glossaire de la langue hourrite |
1980 |
Smith, Woodruff D. |
“Friedrich Ratzel and the Origins of Lebensraum” |
1981 |
Adams, Robert Mc.C. |
Heartland of Cities. Surveys of Ancient Settlement and Land Use on the Central Floodplain of the Euphrates |
1981 |
Palmer, S.E.; Rosch, E.; Chase, P. |
“Canonical Perspective and the Perception of Objects” |
1982 |
Fernandez, James; Spiro, Melford; Singer, Milton |
On Symbols in Anthropology: Essays in Honor of Harry Hoijer (1980), [Maquet, Jacques edidit] |
1983 |
Michalowski, Piotr |
“History as Charter. Some Observations on the Sumerian King List” |
1983 |
Trinkaus, Erik |
The Shanidar Neandertals |
1984 |
McC Adams, Robert |
“Mesopotamian Political Evolution: Old Outlooks, New Goals” |
1984 |
Mintz, Sidney; Godelier, Maurice; Trigger, Bruce |
On Marxian Perspectives in Anthropology: Essays in Honor of Harry Hoijer (1981), [Maquet, Jacques; Daniels; Nancy ediderunt] |
1984 |
Sanders, William |
“Pre-Industrial Demography and Social evolution” |
1984 |
Sanders, William; Wright, Henry; McC Adams, Robert |
On the Evolution of Complex Societies: Essays in Honor of Harry Hoijer (1982), [Earle, Timothy edidit] |
1984 |
Wright, Henry T. |
“Prestate Political Formations” |
1985 |
Hansman, J. |
“Anshan in the Median and Achaemenian Periods” |
1985 |
von Soden, Wolfram |
Einführungen in die Altorientalistik |
1985 |
Perseus |
Perseus Digital Library |
1986 |
Cavalli-Sforza, Luigi L.; Harpending, Henry; Draper, Patricia; Stanley, Steven M. |
On Evolutionary Anthropology: Essays in Honor of Harry Hoijer (1983), [Williams, B.J. edidit] |
1986 |
Gelb, Ignace J. |
“Ebla and Lagash: Environmental Contrasts” |
1986 |
Leichty, Erle |
Catalogue of the Babylonian Tablets in the British Museum: Volume VI: Tablets from Sippar, I |
1986 |
Liverani, Mario |
L’origine delle città. Le prime comunità urbane del Vicino oriente |
1986 |
Nissen, Hans J. |
«The archaic texts from Uruk» |
1986 |
Weiss, Harvey |
The Origins of Cities in Dry-farming Syria and Mesopotamia in the Third Millennium B.C. |
1987 |
Geyer, Bernard; Monchambert, Jean-Yves |
“Prospection de la moyenne vallée de l’Euphrate : rapport préliminaire 1982-1985” |
1987 |
Harland, Richard |
Superstructuralism: The Philosophy of Structuralism and Post-Structuralism |
1987 |
Kemp, Barry J. |
“The Amarna Workmen’s Village in Retrospect” |
1987 |
Leichty, Erle; Grayson, A.K. |
Catalogue of the Babylonian Tablets in the British Museum: Volume VII: Tablets from Sippar, II |
1987 |
Liverani, Mario |
“La città vicino-orientale antica” |
1987 |
Shiloh, Yigal |
“The Casemate Wall, the Four Room House, and Early Planning in Israelite City” |
1987 |
Turner C., John et al. |
Rediscovering the Social Group. A Self-Categorization Theory |
1987 |
Zettler, Richard L. |
“Sealings as Artifacts of Institutional Administration in Ancient Mesopotamia” |
19872 |
Naveh, Joseph |
Early History of the Alphabet. An Introduction to West Semitic Epigraphy and Palaeography |
1988 |
Buccellati, Giorgio; Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn |
“Introduction” |
1988 |
Millard, A.R. |
“The Bevelled-Rim Bowls: Their Purpose and Significance” |
19881 |
Liverani, Mario |
Antico Oriente. Storia, società, economia |
19886 |
Labat, Réne; Malbran-Labat, Florence |
Manuel d’épigraphie akkadienne |
1989 |
HZL = Rüster, Christel and Neu, Erich |
Hethitisches Zeichenlexikon |
1989 |
Rüster, Christel and Neu, Erich |
Hethitisches Zeichenlexikon |
1989 |
Smith, Anthony D. |
“The origins of nations” |
1989 |
Wynn, Thomas G. |
The Evolution of Spacial Competence |
1990 |
Buccellati, Giorgio |
“Experiments in Salt Production at Tell Qraya” |
1990 |
Buccellati, Giorgio |
«‘River Bank,’ ‘High Country’ and ‘Pasture Land’: The Growth of Nomadism on the Middle Euphrates and the Khabur» |
1990 |
Buccellati, Giorgio |
“Salt at the Dawn of History: the Case of the Bevelled-Rim Bowls” |
1990 |
Buccellati, Giorgio |
“The Rural Landscape of the Ancient Zor: The Terqa Evidence” |
1991 |
Foley, John Miles |
Immanent Art: From Structure to Meaning in Traditional Oral Epic |
1991 |
Gelb, Ignace J.; Steinkeller, Piotr; Whiting, Robert M. Jr. |
Earliest Land Tenure Systems in the Near East: Ancient Kudurrus |
1991 |
Marshack, Alexander |
“The Taï plaque and calendrical notation in the Upper Paleolithic” |
1991 |
Ricoeur, Paul |
From Text to Action: Essays in Hermeneutics |
1991 |
Sheehan, James J.; Sosna, Morton |
The Boundaries of Humanity. Humans, Animals, Machines |
1992 |
Bottéro, Jean |
Mesopotamia. Writing, Reasoning, and the Gods |
1992 |
Buccellati, Giorgio |
“Ebla and the Amorites” |
1992 |
Fukuyama, Francis |
The End of History and the Last Man |
1992 |
Gschnitzer, Fritz; Koselleck, Reinhart; Schönemann, Bernd; Werner, Karl Ferdinand |
“Volk, Nation, Nationalismus, Masse” |
1992 |
Matthews, Roger J. |
“Jemdet Nasr: The Site and the Period” |
1992 |
Moran, William L. |
The Amarna Letters |
1992 |
Schmandt-Besserat, Denise |
Before Writing [Vol. 1: From Counting to Cuneiform; Vol. 2: A Catalof of Near Eastern Tokens] |
1992 |
Schmandt-Besserat, Denise |
How Writing Came About [2nd edition 1996] |
1993 |
Algaze, Guillermo |
The Uruk World System |
1993 |
Bernbeck, Reinhard |
Steppe als Kulturlandschaft |
1993 |
Buccellati, Giorgio |
“Gli Amorrei e l’“addomesticamento” della steppa” |
1993 |
Drews, Robert |
The End of the Bronze Age. Changes in Warfare and the Catastrophe ca. 1200 B.C. P Princeton (NJ): Princeton University Press. |
1993 |
Glassner, Jean-Jacques |
“Le roi prêtre en Mésopotamie, au milieu du 3° millénaire - mythe ou réalité?” |
1993 |
Nissen, Hans J.; Damerow, Peter; Englund, Robert K. |
Archaic Bookkeeping: Early Writing Techniques of Economic Administration in the Ancient Near East |
1993 |
Paliga, Sorin |
“The tablets of Tǎrtǎria. An enigma ? A reconsideration and further perspectives” |
1993 |
Porter, Barbara Nevling |
Images, Power, and Politics: Figurative Aspects of Esarhaddon’s Babylonian Policy |
1993 |
Frayne, Dauglas Ralph |
Sargonic and Gutian Periods: (2334-2113 BC) |
1993 |
Sallaberger, Walther |
Der kultische Kalender der Ur III-Zeit. Teil 1 |
1994 |
Bergamini, Giovanni |
“Babilonia: The Image of the Metropolis from Hammurapi to Nabonido” |
1994 |
Harris, David R. |
The Archaeology of V. Gordon Childe: Contemporary Perspectives |
1994 |
Hoch, James E. |
Semitic Words in Egyptian Texts of the New Kingdom and Third Intermediate Period |
1994 |
Liverani, Mario |
Guerra e diplomazia nell’antico Oriente: 1600-1100 a.C. |
1994 |
Mazzoni, Stefania |
Nuove fondazioni nel Vicino Oriente antico: realtà e ideologia. Atti del Colloquio, 4-6 dicembre 1991 |
1995 |
Billig, Michael |
Banal Nationalism |
1995 |
Buccellati, Giorgio |
“Eblaite and Amorite Names” |
1995 |
Butzer, Karl W. |
“Environmental Change in the Near East and Human Impact on the Land” |
1995 |
Forbes, Hamish; Foxhall, Lin |
“Ethnoarchaeology and Storage in Ancient Mediterranean: Beyond Risk and Survival” |
1995 |
Hawkins, John D. |
“Karkamish and Karatepe: Neo-Hittite City-States in North Syria” |
1995 |
Hudson, Michael |
“The Privatization of Land. How It All Began” |
1995 |
Matthiae, Paolo; Pinnock, Frances; Scandone-Matthiae, Gabriella |
Ebla: alle origini della civiltà urbana. Trent’anni di scavi in Siria dell’Università di Roma “La Sapienza” |
1996 |
Berlin, Adele |
Religion and Politics in the Ancient Near East |
1996 |
Brunt, P.A. |
Anabasis of Alexander: books 5.-7. Indica / Arrian; with an English translation by P.A. Brunt |
1996 |
Brunt, P.A. |
Anabasis of Alexander: books 5.-7. Indica / Arrian; with an English translation by P.A. Brunt |
1996 |
Buccellati, Giorgio |
A Structural Grammar of Babylonian |
1996 |
Buccellati, Giorgio |
“The Role of Socio-Political Factors in the Emergence of ‘Public’ and ‘Private’ Domains in Early Mesopotamia” |
1996 |
Palmer, Gary B. |
Toward a Theory of Cultural Linguistics |
1996 |
Sigrist, Marcel et al. |
Catalogue of the Babylonian tablets in the British Museum, Vol. 2 |
1997 |
Battini, Laura |
“Les systèmes défensifs à Babylone” |
1997 |
Buccellati, Giorgio |
“Akkadian and Amorite Phonology” |
1997 |
Buccellati, Giorgio; Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn |
“Urkesh. The First Hurrian Capital” |
1997 |
Duranti |
Linguistic Anthropology |
1997 |
Edel, Elmar |
Der Vertrag zwischen Ramses 2. von Ägypten und Ḫattušili 3. von Ḫatti (2 Bande) |
1997 |
Golden, Mark; Toohey, Peter |
Inventing Ancient Culture. Historicism, Periodization and the Ancient World |
1997 |
Liverani, Mario |
“The Ancient Near Eastern City and Modern Ideologies” |
1997 |
Meyers, Eric M. |
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Archaeology in the Near East, 5 Vols. |
1997 |
Moscati, Sabatino |
Antichi imperi d’Oriente |
1997 |
Nichols, Deborah L.; Charlton, Thomas H. |
The Archaeology of City-States: Cross-Cultural Approaches |
1997 |
Oates, David; Oates, Joan; McDonald, Helen |
Excavations at Tell Brak. Vol. 1: The Mitanni and Old Babylonian Periods |
1997 |
Stone, Elizabeth C. |
“City-States and their Centers: The Mesopotamian Example” |
1997 |
Van De Mieroop, Marc |
The Ancient Mesopotamian City |
1997 |
Westenholz, Joan Goodnick |
Legends of the Kings of Akkade. The Texts |
1998 |
Battini, Laura |
“Opposition entre acropole et ville basse comme critère de définition de la ville mésopotamienne” |
1998 |
Englund, Robert K. |
“Texts From the Late Uruk Period” |
1998 |
Gasche, H. et al. |
Dating the Fall of Babylon: A Reappraisal of Second-Millennium Chronology |
1998 |
Hilgert, Markus |
Drehem Administrative Documents from the Reign of Šulgi |
1998 |
Kemp, Barry J. |
Ancient Egypt: Anatomy of a Civilization |
1998 |
Liverani, Mario |
Le lettere di el-Amarna. Le lettere dei «Grandi Re» |
1998 |
Pettinato, Giovanni |
La scrittura celeste. La nascita dell’astrologia in Mesopotamia |
1998 |
The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature |
19982 |
Hoffner (Jr.), Harry A. |
Hittite Myths. Second Edition (Edited by Gary M. Beckman) |
1999 |
Liverani, Mario |
Le lettere di el-Amarna. Le lettere dei «Piccoli Re» |
1999 |
Michalowski, Piotr |
“Sumer Dreams of Subartu: Politics and the Geographical Imagination” |
1999 |
Rubio, Gonzalo |
“On the Alleged ‘Pre-Sumerian Substratum’” |
1999 |
Streck, Michael P. |
“Hammurabi oder Hammurapi?” |
1999 |
Van De Mieroop, Marc |
Cuneiform Texts and the Writing of History |
2000 |
Battini, Laura |
“Des rapports géométriques en architecture : le cas de Dūr-Šarrukīn” |
2000 |
Cauvin, Jacques |
The Birth of the Gods and the Origins of Agriculture (translated by Trevor Watkins) |
2000 |
Cohen, Raymond; Westbrook, Raymond |
Amarna Diplomacy: The Beginnings of International Relations |
2000 |
Dalley, Stephanie |
Myths from Mesopotamia |
2000 |
de Pury, Albert |
“Abraham: The Priestly Writer’s ‘Ecumenical’ Ancestor” |
2000 |
George, Andrew R. |
The Epic of Gilgamesh. The Babylonian Epic Poem and Other Texts in Akkadian and Sumerian |
2000 |
McKenzie, Steven L.; Römer, Thomas |
Rethinking the Foundations. Historiography in the Ancient World and in the Bible |
2000 |
Shaw, Ian |
The Oxford History of Ancient Egypt |
2001 |
Algaze, Guillermo |
“Initial Social Complexity in Southwestern Asia: The Mesopotamian Advantage” |
2001 |
Geyer, Bernard |
Conquête de la steppe et appropriation des terres sur les marges arides du Croissant fertile |
2001 |
Holloway, Steven W. |
Assur Is King! Assur Is King!: Religion in the Exercise of Power in the Neo-Assyrian Empire |
2001 |
Jazbinsek, Dietmar |
«Die Großstädte und das Geistesleben von Georg Simmel. Zur Geschichte einer Antipathie» |
2001 |
Schloen, J. David |
The House of the Father As Fact and Symbol. Patrimonialism in Ugarit and the Ancient Near East |
2002 |
Facchini, Fiorenzo |
Origini dell’uomo ed evoluzione culturale. Profili scientifici, filosofici, religiosi |
2002 |
Faulkner, Raymond O. |
A Concise Dictionary of Middle Egyptian |
2002 |
Masetti-Rouault, Maria Grazia; Mora, Clelia |
“Il ‘mondo’ nell’antica Mesopotamia” |
2002 |
Sokolowski, Robert |
“Semiotics in Husserl’s Logical Investigations“ |
2002- |
Urkesh/Tell Mozan |
Urkesh/Tell Mozan |
2003 |
Akkermans, Peter M.M.G.; Schwartz, Gleen M. |
The Archaeology of Syria. From Complex Hunter-Gatherers to Early Urban Societies (c. 16,000-300 BC) |
2003 |
Aruz, Joan; Wallenfels, Ronald |
Art of the First Cities: The Third Millennium B.C. from the Mediterranean to the Indus |
2003 |
Buccellati, Giorgio |
“Review of: Geyer, Bernard (ed.) 2001, Conquête de la steppe et appropriation des terres sur les marges arides du Croissant fertile, Traveaux de la Maison de l’Orient Meditérranéen 36, Lyon: Maison de l’Orient Meditérranéen - Jean Pouilloux” |
2003 |
Edzard, Dietz Otto |
Sumerian Grammar |
2003 |
George, Andrew R. |
The Babylonian Gilgamesh Epic. Introduction, Critical Edition and Cuneiform Texts, 2 Vols. |
2003 |
Heidler, David Stephen; Heidler, Jeanne T. |
Manifest Destiny |
2003 |
Hilgert, Markus; Reichel, Clemens, D. |
Drehem Administrative Documents from the Reign of Amar-Suena |
2003 |
Ivanov, Sergey |
Византийское миссионерство: как сделать из «варвара» христианина? М.: “Языки славянской культуры [Vizantijskoe missionerstvo: Mozhno li sdelat’ iz “varvara” hristianina?] / Byzantine Missionary Activities: Can a “Barbarian” be turned into a Christian? |
2003 |
Liverani, Mario |
Oltre la Bibbia. Storia antica di Israele |
2003 |
Margueron, Jean-Claude |
“Mari and the Syro-Mesopotamian World” |
2003 |
Matthews, Roger J. |
The Archaeology of Mesopotamia: Theories and Approaches |
2003 |
Michalowski, Piotr |
“An Early Dynastic Tablet of ED Lu A from Tell Brak (Nagar)” |
2003 |
Michalowski, Piotr |
“A Man Called Enmebaragesi” |
2003-2004 |
Sallaberger, Walther |
“Schlachtvieh aus Puzriš-Dagān. Zur Bedeutung dieses Königlichen Archivs” |
2004 |
Bellwood, Peter |
First Farmers: The Origins of Agricultural Societies |
2004 |
Buccellati, Giorgio; Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn |
“Der monumentale Palasthof von Tall Mozan/Urkeš und die stratigraphische Geschichte des ābi“ |
2004 |
Caneva, Isabella; Sevin, Veli |
Mersin-Yumuktepe: A Reappraisal |
2004 |
Fleming, Daniel E. |
Democracy’s Ancient Ancestors: Mari and Early Collective Governance |
2004 |
Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn |
“Andirons at Urkesh: New Evidence for the Hurrian Identity of Early Trans-Caucasian Culture” |
2004 |
Liverani, Mario |
Myths and Politics in Ancient Near Eastern Historiography |
2004 |
Van De Mieroop, Marc |
King Hammurabi of Babylon |
2004 |
Westenholz, Joan Goodnick |
“The Good Shepherd” |
2004-2014 |
Tanakh Project |
TanakhML |
2005 |
Bailey, Douglass |
Prehistoric Figurines: Representation and Corporeality in the Neolithic |
2005 |
Balter, Michael |
The Goddess and the Bull: Catalhoyuk, An Archaeological Journey to the Dawn of Civilization |
2005 |
Buccellati, Giorgio |
“The Monumental Urban Complex at Urkesh” |
2005 |
Buccellati, Giorgio; Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn |
“Urkesh as a Hurrian Religious Center” |
2005 |
Johansson, Sverker |
Origins of Language. Constraints on Hypotheses |
2005 |
Matthiae, Paolo |
Prima lezione di archeologia orientale |
2005 |
Orlin, Eric M. |
“Politics And Religion: Politics And Ancient Mediterranean Religions” |
2005 |
Porter, Barbara Nevling |
Ritual and Politics in Ancient Mesopotamia |
2005 |
Richardson, M.E.J. |
Hammurabi’s Laws: Text, Translation and Glossary |
2005 |
Soldt, Wilfred H. van |
“Ordal A. Mesopotamien/Ordeal A. In Mesopotamia” |
2005 |
Melammu Project |
Melammu Project. The Heritage of Mesopotamia and the Ancient Near East |
20053 |
Foster, Benjamin R. |
Before the Muses: An Anthology of Akkadian Literature |
2006 |
Anderson, Benedict |
Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism |
2006 |
Buccellati, Giorgio |
“On (e)-tic and -emic” |
2006 |
Cooper, Lisa |
Early Urbanism on the Syrian Euphrates |
2006 |
Liverani, Mario |
Uruk. The First City |
2006 |
Marchesi, Gianni |
LUMMA in the Onomasticon and Literature of Ancient Mesopotamia |
2006 |
Piacentini, Patrizia |
“L’Egitto nel periodo protodinastico e nell’antico regno” |
2006/2008 |
Verderame, Lorenzo |
“Le calendrier et la mesure du temps dans la pensée mythique suméro-akkadienne” |
2007 |
Battini, Laura |
“Quelques considérations sur la topographie de Babylone” |
2007 |
Buccellati, Giorgio |
“Yahweh, the Trinity: The Old Testament Catechumenate” |
2007 |
Buccellati, Giorgio; Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn |
“Urkesh and the Question of the Hurrian Homeland” |
2007 |
Frangipane, Marcella |
Arslantepe Cretulae. An Early Centralized Administrative System Before Writing |
2007 |
Hornung, Erik |
The Egyptian Amduat. The Book of the Hidden Chamber |
2007 |
Mynárová, Jana |
Language of Amarna - Language of Diplomacy. Perspectives on the Amarna letters |
2007 |
Schmandt-Besserat, Denise |
When Writing met Art. From Symbol to Story |
2007 |
Vidale, Massimo |
Ceramica e Archeologia |
20072 |
Issar, Arie S.; Zohar, Mattanyah |
Climate Change – Environment and History of the Near East |
20072 |
Pettinato, Giovanni |
I Sumeri |
2008 |
Algaze, Guillermo |
Ancient Mesopotamia at the Dawn of Civilization: The Evolution of an Urban Landscape |
2008 |
Bocquet-Appel, Jean-Pierre; Bar-Yosef, Ofer |
The Neolithic Demographic Transition and its Consequences |
2008 |
Brisch, Nicole |
Religion and Power. Divine Kingship in the Ancient World and Beyond |
2008 |
Brusasco, Paolo |
La Mesopotamia prima dell’Islam: società e cultura tra Mesopotamia, Islam e Occidente |
2008 |
Buccellati, Giorgio |
“The Origin of the Tribe and the ‘Industrial’ Agropastoralism in Syro-Mesopotamia” |
2008 |
Childress, Diana |
Johannes Gutenberg and the Printing Press |
2008 |
Krebernik, Manfred |
” Richtergott(heiten)/Gods of judgement” |
2008 |
Mora, Clelia |
“Entre Anatolie et Syrie, entre Âge du Bronze et Âge du Fer, entre paix et guerre : l’histoire inachevée de Karkemiš et les données d’Emar” |
2008 |
Pfoh, Emanuel |
“Dealing with Tribes and States in Ancient Palestine. A Critique on the Use of State Formation Theories in the Archaeology of Israel” |
2008 |
Spineto, Natale |
La religione come fattore di integrazione: modelli di convivenza e di scambio religioso nel mondo antico. Atti del 4. Convegno internazionale del Gruppo di ricerca italo-spagnolo di storia delle religioni: Universita degli studi di Torino, 29-30 settembre 2006 |
2009 |
Bahn, Paul G. |
An Enquiring Mind: Studies in Honor of Alexander Marshack |
2009 |
Buccellati, Giorgio |
“An Architectural ‘Logogram’ at Urkesh?” |
2009 |
Buccellati, Giorgio; Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn |
“The Great Temple terrace at Urkesh and the lions of Tish-atal” |
2009 |
Crescioli, Lorenzo |
Le fornaci da ceramica del periodo Khabur nell’Area A15 di Tell Mozan: analisi architettonica e tecnologica |
2009 |
Gatto, Marco |
“Neomarxismo e letteratura. L’ermeneutica demistificante di Fredric Jameson” |
2009 |
Liverani, Mario |
Oltre la Bibbia. Storia antica di Israele |
2009 |
Sanders, Seth L. |
The Invention of Hebrew |
2009 |
Smith, Michael E. |
“V. Gordon Childe and the Urban Revolution: A Historical Perspective on a Revolution in Urban Studies” |
2009 |
Taylor, John R. |
“Understanding the bureaucratic mind – an analysis of Homo bureaucraticus“ |
2009 |
Wright, David P. |
Inventing God’s Law: How the Covenant Code of the Bible Used and Revised the Laws of Hammurabi |
20092 20001 |
Guidi, Alessandro |
Preistoria della complessità sociale |
2010 |
Barjasteh Delforooz, Behrooz |
“The Role of Natural Phenomena in the Rise and Fall of Urban Areas in the Sistan Basin on the Iranian Plateau (Southern Delta)” |
2010 |
Buccellati, Federico |
“The Monumental Temple Terrace at Urkesh and its Setting” |
2010 |
Caneva, Isabella; Kuroğlu, Gülgün |
Yumuktepe. Un viaggio di novemila anni |
2010 |
Costello, Sara Kielt |
“Review of: Algaze, Guillermo 2008, Ancient Mesopotamia at the Dawn of Civilization: The Evolution of an Urban Landscape, Chicago: Chicago University Press” |
2010 |
Frangipane, Marcella |
Economic Centralisation in Formative States: the Archaeological Reconstruction of the Economic System in 4th Millennium Arslantepe |
2010 |
Hodder, Ian |
Religion in the Emergence of Civilization: Çatalhöyük as a Case Study |
2010 |
Ivy, Judah; Ewald, Owen |
“The Ancient Near Eastern Origins and Endurance of King as Shepherd’ Language” |
2010 |
Marchesi, Gianni |
“The Sumerian King List and the Early History of Mesopotamia”, |
2010 |
Pedersén, Olof, Sinclair, Paul J. J., Hein, Irmgard and Andersson, Jakob |
“Cities and Urban Landscapes in the Ancient Near East and Egypt with Special Focus on the City of Babylon” |
2010 |
Schmandt-Besserat, Denise |
“The Token System of the ancient Near East: Its role in counting, writing, the economy and cognition” |
2010 |
Sinclair, Paul J. J.; Nordquist, Gullög; Herschehnd, Frands; Isendahl, Christian |
The Urban Mind. Cultural and Environmental Dynamics |
2010 |
Verderame, Lorenzo |
“La imagen de la ciudad en la literatura sumeria” |
2010 |
Ebla |
Ebla |
2011 |
Cartabia, Marta |
«Esperienza elementare, esigenza di giustiza e diritti umani» |
2011 |
Moreno García, Juan Carlos |
“Village” |
2011 |
Orsi, Valentina |
«Ricerche archeologiche nella valle dell’alto Khabur tra la fine del Bronzo Antico e l’inizio del Bronzo Medio» |
2011 |
Petrosino, Silvano |
Abitare l’arte. Heidegger, la Bibbia, Rothko |
2011 |
Ristvet, Lauren |
“Travel and the Making of North Mesopotamian Polities” |
2011 |
Schmidt, Klaus |
Costruirono i primi templi: 7000 anni prima delle piramidi |
2011 |
Scurlock, JoAnn |
“Ritual ‘Rubbing’ Recitations from Ancient Mesopotamia” |
2011 |
Simocini, Andrea |
«Esperienza elementare e diritto: una questione persistente» |
2011 |
Glassner, Jean-Jacques – YouTube |
L’épopée de Gilgamesh avec Jean-Jacques Glassner |
2011 |
The Online Liddell-Scott-Jones Greek-English Lexicon |
2011 |
Sefaria |
Sefaria |
2012 |
Buccellati, Giorgio |
“Coerenza e storia. La Mesopotamia nell’ottica storiografica di ‘Ordine e Storia’: Istituzioni politiche, trasmissione del pensiero e percezione dell’assoluto” |
2012 |
Buccellati, Giorgio |
«Quando in alto i cieli…» La spiritualità biblica a confronto con quella biblica |
2012 |
Cavalli-Sforza, Luigi Luca; Zanzi, Luigi |
Civiltà alpina ed evoluzione umana |
2012 |
Charpin, Dominique |
Hammurabi of Babylon |
2012 |
D’Agostino, Anacleto |
“Tra le montagne anatoliche e le steppe siriane: problemi di archeologia nell’alta valle del fiume Tigri tra Bronzo Antico ed Età del Ferro” |
2012 |
Flannery, Kent; Marcus, Joyce |
“Temples and Inequality in Early Mesopotamia” |
2012 |
Giusfredi, Federico |
Babilonia e le sue storie |
2012 |
Hochschild, Arlie Russell |
The Outsourced Self: Intimate Life in Market Times. What Happens When We Pay Others to Live Our Lives for Us |
2012 |
Kämmerer, Thomas R.; Metzler, Kai A. |
Das babylonische Weltschöpfungsepos Enūma elîš |
2012 |
Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn |
«Apprenticeship and Learning from the Ancestors: The Case of Ancient Urkesh» |
2012 |
Kitchen, Kenneth A.; Lawrence, Paul N.J. |
Treaty, Law and Covenant in the Ancient Near East (3 Vols) |
2012 |
Kriwaczek, Paul |
Babylon: Mesopotamia and the Birth of Civilization |
2012 |
Liverani, Mario |
“Fondazioni di città in Siria e Mesopotamia fra IX e VII sec. a.C.” |
2012 |
Mazzoni, Stefania |
Studi di archeologia del Vicino Oriente. Scritti degli allievi fiorentini per Paolo Emilio Pecorella |
2012 |
Meyer-Christian, Wolf |
“Babylon II – Die Innere Stadtmauer: Maße, Geometrie, Ausschnitt” |
2012 |
Michalowski, Piotr |
“King lists, Mesopotamian” |
2012 |
Schmidt, Klaus |
“Göbekli Tepe: A Neolithic Site in Southeastern Anatolia” |
2012 |
Sini, Carlo |
Il sapere dei segni. Filosofia e semiotica |
2012 |
Stern, Sacha |
Calendars in Antiquity: Empires, States, and Societies |
2012 |
DiyArDa |
Oriental INstitute Diyala Project Database |
2012 |
HAW – Forschungsstelle Edition literarischer Keilschrifttexte aus Assur |
HAW – Forschungsstelle Edition literarischer Keilschrifttexte aus Assur |
2013 |
Bang, Peter Fibiger; Scheidel, Walter |
The Oxford Handbook of State in the Ancient Near East and Ancient Mediterranean |
2013 |
Barjamovic, Gojko |
“Mesopotamian Empires” |
2013 |
Buccellati, Giorgio |
Alle origini della politica |
2013 |
Di Paolo, Silvana |
“Changing Space, Time, and Meaning:The Seal of Yaqaru from Ugarit—A Reconversion?” |
2013 |
Garfinkle, Steven J. |
“Ancient Near Eastern City-States” |
2013 |
Lambert, Wilfred G. |
Babylonian Creation Myths |
2013 |
Liverani, Mario |
“Literary-Political Motifs in the Assyrian Royal Inscriptions. Measuring Continuity versus Change” |
2013 |
Manning, Joseph G. |
“Egypt” |
2013 |
Scheidel, Walter |
“Studying the State” |
2013 |
Schmandt-Besserat, Denise |
“Tokens and Writing: the Cognitive Development” |
2013 |
Tsouparopoulou, Christina |
“A Reconstruction of the Puzriš-Dagan Central Livestock Agency” |
2013 |
Vanderhooft, David S.; Winitzer, Abraham |
Literature as Politics, Politics as Literature. Essays on the Ancient Near East in Honor of Peter Machinist |
20132 |
Issar, Arie S.; Zohar, Mattanyah |
Climate Change – Environment and History of the Near East |
2014 |
Buccellati, Giorgio |
Dal profondo del tempo. All’origine della comunicazione e della comunità nell’antica Siria |
2014 |
Buccellati, Giorgio |
“The threefold ‘invention’ of time: transcendental, transcendent, trans-temporal” |
2014 |
Buccellati, Federico; Helms, Tobias; Tamm, Alexander |
House and Household Economies in 3rd Millennium B.C.E. Syro-Mesopotamia |
2014 |
De Pietri, Marco |
“La piazza dov’è? Un’indagine sul concetto di ʻpiazzaʼ nell’età preclassica” |
2014 |
Liverani, Mario |
The Ancient Near East. History, Society and Economy |
2014 |
Oshima, Takayoshi M. |
Babylonian Poems of Pious Sufferers: Ludlul bēl nēmeqi and the Babylonian Theodicy |
2014 |
Preifer, Guido |
“Review to: Jakob, Stefan 2009, Die mittelassyrischen Texte aus Tell Chuēra in Nordost-Syrien mit einem Beitrag von Daniela I. Janisch-Jakob, (= Vorderasiatische Forschungen der Max Freiherr von Oppenheim Stiftung2,3), Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz” |
2014 |
Richardson, M.E.J. |
A Comprehensive Grammar to Hammurabi’s Stele |
2014 |
Schmandt-Besserat, Denise |
“From Counting to Writing: The Quest for Abstraction” |
2014 |
Schmandt-Besserat, Denise |
“The Evolution of Writing” |
2014 |
Ur, Jason |
“Households and the Emergence of Cities in Ancient Mesopotamia” |
2014 |
The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Royal Inscriptions |
2014 |
Open Richly Annotated Cuneiform Corpus, ORACC |
Open Richly Annotated Cuneiform Corpus (ORACC) |
2014 |
TLG® |
Thesaurus Linguae Graecae® |
2014 |
Wb |
Wörterbuch der Ägyptischen Sprache |
2015 |
Cohen, Mark E. |
Festivals and Calendars of the Ancient Near East |
2015 |
Düring, Bleda |
“Reassessing the Dunnu Institution in the context of the middle Assyrian Empire” |
2015 |
Foster, Benjamin R. |
The Age of Agade. Inventing Empire in Ancient Mesopotamia |
2015 |
Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn |
“Power and Identity Construction in ancient Urkesh” |
2015 |
Pals, Daniel L. |
Nine Theories of Religion |
2015 |
Schniedewind, William; Cochavi-Rainey, Zipora |
The El-Amarna Correspondence. A New Edition of the Cuneiform Letters from the Site of El-Amarna based on Collations of all Extant Tablets |
2015 |
Trolle Larsen, Morgens |
Ancient Kanesh. A Merchant Colony in Bronze Age Anatolia |
2015 |
Yoffee, Norman |
Early Cities in Comparative Perspective, 4000 BCE–1200 CE |
2015 |
Sumerian Shakespeare |
Sumerian Shakespeare |
2016 |
Battini, Laura |
“Réflexions sur les noms des portes urbaines en Mésopotamie” |
2016 |
Bryce, Trevor; Birkett-Rees, Jessie |
Atlas of the Ancient Near East |
2016 |
Fedorov, Sergey; Filiushkin, Alexander |
История и теория наций и национализма: учебник [Istoriya i teoriya nacij i nacionalizma: uchebnik] / History and Theory of Nations and Nationalism: A Textbook |
2016 |
Frangipane, Marcella |
“The Development of Centralised Societies in Greater Mesopotamia and the Foundation of Economic Inequality” |
2016 |
Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn |
“Urkesh: The Morphology and Cultural Landscape of the Hurrian Sacred” |
2016 |
Liverani, Mario |
Imaging Babylon. The Modern Story of an Ancient City |
2016 |
Rothman, Mitchell S.; Fiandra, Enrica |
“Verifying the Role of Storage: Examples from Prehistoric Ancient Mesopotamia 1” |
2016 |
Van De Mieroop, Marc |
Philosophy before the Greeks. The Pursuit of Truth in Ancient Babylonia |
20163 |
Van De Mieroop, Marc |
A History of the Ancient Near East ca. 3000-323 BC |
2017 |
Al-Mutawalli, Nawala; Sallaberger, Walther; Shalkham, Ali Ubeid |
“The Cuneiform Documents from the Iraqi Excavation at Drehem” |
2017 |
Buccellati, Giorgio |
A Critique of Archaeological Reason |
2017 |
Ermidoro, Stefania |
Quando gli dèi erano uomini. Atrahasis e la storia babilonese del genere umano |
2017 |
Ermidoro, Stefania |
«Ruling over Time: The Calendar in the Neo-Assyrian Royal Propaganda» |
2017 |
Ławecka, Dorota |
“Who were the Tribute-Bearing People on the ‘Standard of Ur’?” |
2017 |
Liverani, Mario |
Assyria: The Imperial Mission |
2017 |
Schmandt-Besserat, Denise; Moghimi, Niloufar |
“Making Tokens Talk” |
2017 |
Tenney, Jonathan S. |
“Babylonian Populations, Servility, and Cuneiform Records” |
2017 |
Yildirim, Kemal |
Political and Religious Power and Philosophy in Ancient Mesopotamia: Politics, Religion and Philosophy in Ancient Mesopotamia |
2017 |
ePSD2 |
The electronic Pennsylvania Sumerian Dictionary [Version 2] |
2018 |
Battini, Laura |
“The Hippodamian Plan: a Mesopotamian Origin?” |
2018 |
Bourrillon, R. et al. |
“A new Aurignacian engraving from Abri Blanchard, France: Implications for understanding Aurignacian graphic expression in Western and Central Europe” |
2018 |
Buccellati, Giorgio |
“The Cosmos Before Cosmology: Foreshadowing of Order in Prehistory” |
2018 |
Hawking, Stephen |
Brief Answers to the Big Questions |
2018 |
Liverani, Mario |
Paradiso e dintorni. Il paesaggio rurale dell’antico Oriente |
2018 |
Matthiae, Paolo |
“Doni faraonici alla corte di Ebla nell’Antico Regno: Una riflessione sul contesto storico” |
2019 |
Brami, Maxime N. |
“The Invention of Prehistory and the Rediscovery of Europe: Exploring the Intellectual Roots of Gordon Childe’s ‘Neolithic Revolution’ (1936)” |
2019 |
Crisa, Antonio; Gkikaki, Mairi; Rowan, Clare |
Tokens. Culture, Connections, Communities |
2019 |
May, Larry |
Ancient Legal Thought: Equity, Justice, and Humaneness from Hammurabi and the Pharaohs to Justinian and the Talmud |
2019 |
Schmandt-Besserat, Denise |
“The Invention of Tokens” |
2019 |
Schmandt-Besserat, Denise |
“How Writing Came to Replace Spoken Language, 3000-2600 BCE” |
2019 |
Verderame, Lorenzo |
“Text, Context, and the Social Dimension of Writing: A Case Study from the Early Dynastic Inanna Temple at Nippur” |
2019 |
RdA |
Reallexikon der Assyriologie und vorderasiatischen Archäologie |
2020 |
Akar, Murat; Kara, Demet |
The formation of collective, political and cultural memory in the Middle Bronze Age: foundation and termination rituals at Toprakhisar Höyük |
2020 |
Anthonioz, Stéphanie |
“The Lion, the Shepherd, and the Master of Animals: Metaphorical Interactions and Governance Representations in Mesopotamian and Levantine Sources” |
2020 |
Barmash, Pamela |
The Laws of Hammurabi at the Confluence of Royal & Scribal Traditions |
2020 |
Buccellati, Giorgio |
“’Awīliš īwē’. L’uomo mesopotamico come figlio della città” |
2020 |
Garcia-Ventura, Agnes |
“Shaping Gender, Shaping Emotions: On the Mutual Construction of Gender Identities and Emotional Roles in Ancient Mesopotamia” |
2021 |
Archi, Alfonso |
“The Wars of Ebla at the Time of Minister Ibrium” |
2021 |
Burke, Aaron A. |
The Amorites and the Bronze Age Near East. The Making of a Regional Identity |
2021 |
Burke, Aaron A. |
“4. Mercenaries and Merchants: Networks of Political and Economic Power, 2000–1800 BC” |
2021 |
Frangipane, Marcella |
“Glyptic Images as Reflecting Social Order: Changes in Seal Iconographies from Egalitarian to Early Centralized Societies in Greater Mesopotamia” |
2021 |
Hsu, Shih-Wei; Raduà, Jaume Llop |
The Expressions of Emotions in Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia |
2021 |
Johansson, Svenker |
The Dawn of Language. How We Came to Talk |
2021 |
Liverani, Mario |
Historiography, Ideology and Politics in the Ancient Near East and Israel (edited by Peter, Niels and Pfoh, Emanuel) |
2021 |
McGlynn, Margaret |
“From Written Record to Bureaucratic Mind: Imagining a Criminal Record” |
2021 |
Svärd, Saana; Alstola, Tero; Jauhiainen, Heidi; Sahala, Aleksi; Lindén, Krister |
“Fear in Akkadian Texts: New Digital Perspectives on Lexical Semantics” |
2021 |
BabCity |
BabCity: Corpus of Babylonian Texts Concerning the Urban Landscape |
2021 |
Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative |
2021 |
Digital Model of Babylon |
Digital Model of Babylon |
2021 |
Jemdet Nasr |
Jemdet Nasr. The Site |
2021 |
UNESCO – World Heritage Convention |
20212 |
Cline, Eric H. |
1177 B.C. The Year Civilization Collapsed |
2022 |
Biga, Maria Giovanna; Roccati, Alessandro |
“Eblaite, Egyptian, and Anatolian Place Names at the Crossroads” |
2022 |
Iamoni, Marco; Valente, Riccardo; Scattini, Maddalena; Hasan, Bekas Jamaluddin |
“Asingeran: a Case of Micro Complexity in the Navkur Plain? Data from the Second Archaeological Season of the Joint Italian-Kurdish Research Campaign” |
2022 |
Smith, Stefan L. |
“A morphological typology for the “Kranzhügel” of the Greater Western Jazira and its impact upon interpretations of Early Bronze Age north-eastern Syria” |
2023 |
Frahm, Eckart |
Assyria: The Rise and Fall of the World’s First Empire |
2023 |
Giusfredi, Federico |
Il Vicino Oriente antico |
2023 |
Godart, Louis |
I custodi della memoria. Lo scriba tra Mesopotamia, Egitto ed Egeo |
2023 |
Hausleiter, Arnulf |
Material Worlds: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Contacts and Exchange in the Ancient Near East. Proceedings of the Workshop held at the Institute for the Study of the Ancient World (ISAW), New York University, 7th March 2016 |
2023 |
Head, Martin J. et al. |
“The Anthropocene is a prospective epoch/series, not a geological event” |
2023 |
Helle, Sophus |
Enheduana: The Complete Poems of the World’s First Author |
2023 |
Hopkinson, Beatrice; Buccellati, Giorgio |
“The Qraya Salt Experiment. Reenacting Salt Production Processes of Protohistoric Mesopotamia” |
2023 |
Hittite Monuments |
Hittite Monuments |
2023 |
Hethitologie Portal Mainz |
2023 |
Mnamon |
Mnamon. Ancient writing systems in the Mediterranean. A critical guide to electronic resources |
2023 |
Sources of Earlt Akkadian Literature |
2023 |
Ziyaret Tepe |
Ziyaret Tepe Archaeological Project |
2024 |
Biga, Maria Giovanna |
“The Connections between Byblos and Mesopotamia during the Early Bronze Age as seen from the Ebla Archives” |
2024 |
Buccellati, Giorgio |
At the Origins of Politics |
2024 |
Buccellati, Giorgio |
“When on High the Heavens…”: Mesopotamian Religion and Spirituality with Reference to the Biblical World |
2024 |
Cline, Eric H. |
After 1177 B.C. The Survival of Civilizations |
2024 |
Hudson, Michael |
“From Sacred Enclave to Temple to City” |
2024 |
Hudson, Michael |
Temples of Enterprise. Creating Economic Order in the Bronze Age Near East |
2024 |
Lynch, Jonah |
Method and Intelligence. Digital Approaches to Memory and Communication in Historiography |
2024 |
Mantellini, Simone; Picotti, Vincenzo; Al-Hussainy, Abbas; Marchetti, Nicolò; Zaina, Federico |
“Development of water management strategies in southern Mesopotamia during the fourth and third millennium B.C.E.” |
2024 |
Marchetti, Nicolò; Bortolini, Eugenio; Menghi Sartorio, Jessica Cristina; Orrù, Valentina; Zaina, Federico |
“Long-Term Urban and Population Trends in the Southern Mesopotamian Floodplains” |
2024 |
Worthington, Martin |
“Solving the starry symbols of Sargon II” |
2024 |
Zaven, Tania & al. |
Byblos. A Legacy Unearthed |