
The Land of the Four River Banks

I. Methodology
2. Digital dimension


Giorgio Buccellati – August 2023
  1. Websites. – There are two basic types of websites, the one in common use and the one that is proposed here, which may be defined as “interplanar”
  2. Digital discourse. – The 4Banks system of websites aims to implement a special digital model where different planes are closely interrelated across the websites: this “interplanarity” approach is briefly presented here, with reference to other more extensive treatments.
  3. An example. – The interplanarity model, as applied in the 4Banks websites, is illustrated here with an example drawn from one of the websites.
  4. Archive. – A particular aspect of our digital approach is found in the fact that given versions of each website are closed so as to remain accessible, in an archival format, with a well defined bibliographical status.