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1 Biblical monotheism was iconoclastic while Mesopotamian typology was rich and differentiated through time and space. This topic is explored at length in a dedicated volume and website.
2 I interpret the Psalmist’s statement that pagan idols have mouths but do not speak not as implying that Mesopotamians expected their idols to speak but rather as extolling the monotheistic God, who was expected to speak.
3 Physical representations of Mespotamian gods, even when they were anthropomorphic, were symbols of spiritual attributes. The physical objects were not identified with the absolute and they were sacred only insofar as they were conditioned by and connected with their spiritual referents.
4 Biblical aniconity increased with time. The perception of the immediacy of contact with God became so predominant that the very notion of a visual referent seemed inadequate and even blasphemous. However, there are some documented cases in which there is a discrepancy between the biblical vision and its practical application.