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Mesopotamian Religion

Annotated bibliography

Alphabetical index

February 2025

Total number of authors: 452.

A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z

Author Year Title
Abusch, Tzvi 2001 “The Development and Meaning of the Epic of Gilgamesh: An Interpretive Essay”
2002 Mesopotamian Witchcraft. Towards a History and Understanding of Babylonian Witchcraft Beliefs and Literature
2020 Corpus of Mesopotamian Anti-Witchcraft Rituals, 4 volumes
1999 Mesopotamian Magic. Textual, Historical, and Interpretative Perspectives
Achtemeier, Paul J. et al. 1996 The HarperCollins Bible Dictionary
Albani, Matthias 2000 “Horoscopes”
Albright, W.F. 1940 “The Ancient Near East and the Religion of Israel”
1960 “Some Canaanite-Phoenician Sources of Hebrew Wisdom”
Allegro, John M. 1968 Discoveries in the Judaean Desert, Volume 5: Qumrân Cave 4.1 (4Q158–4Q186)
Alphandéry, Paul 1934 “L’Évhémérisme et les débuts de l’histoire des religions au moyen âge”
Alster, Bendt 1972 Dumuzi’s Dream. Aspects of Oral Poetry in a Sumerian Myth
1975 “Paradoxical Proverbs and Satire in Sumerian Literature”
2005 Wisdom of Ancient Sumer
2006 “New Sources for Dumuzi’s Dream”
Ambos, Claus et al. 2005 Die Welt der Rituale. Von der Antike bis heute
Anati, Emmanuel 2020 The Origins of Religion
Anderson, A.A. 1968 Discoveries in the Judaean Desert, Volume 5: Qumrân Cave 4.1 (4Q158–4Q186)
Annus, Amar 2010 Divination and Interpretation of Signs in the Ancient World
Anthonioz, Stéphanie 2016 Colère et repentir divins dans le déluge
2019 When Gods Speak to Men. Divine Speech according to Textual Sources in the Ancient Mediterranean Basin
Arcella, Luciano 1998 Confronto con Mircea Eliade. Archetipi mitici e identità storica
Arkhipov, Ilya 2019 “Zimri-Lim Offers a Throne to Dagan of Terqa”
Armstrong, Robert 1971 The Affecting Presence. An essay in humanistic anthropology
Aronowicz, A. 1996 The Persistence of Religions: Essays in Honor of Kees Bolle [Denning-Bolle, S.J.; Gerow, E. ediderunt]
Artus, Oliver 2015 “Moïse et la colère de Dieu en Nombres 11,4-34”
Asad, Talal 1993 “The Construction of Religion as an Anthropological Category”
Asher-Greve, Julia 2013 Goddesses in Context: On Divine Powers, Roles, Relationships and Gender in Mesopotamian Textual and Visual Sources
Assmann, Jan 1998 Moses the Egyptian. The Memory of Egypt in Western Monotheism
Ataç, Mehmet-Ali 2004 “The ‘Underworld Vision’ of the Ninevite Intellectual Milieu”
2007 “The melammu as Divine Epiphany and Usurped Entity”,
Attinger, Pascal 2005 “A propos de AK «faire» (II)”
Audouit, Clémentine forth. Encyclopedia of the Body in Ancient Egypt and the Near East: Vol. I Limbs, Organs and Fluids
Balentine, Samuel E. 2020 The Oxford Handbook of Ritual and Worship in the Hebrew Bible
Balter, Michael 2005 The Goddess and the Bull: Catalhoyuk, An Archaeological Journey to the Dawn of Civilization
Batto, Bernard F. 1987 The Sleeping God: An Ancient Near Eastern Motif of Divine Sovereignty
Bauks, Michaela 2016 Dieu entre fermeté et repentance en Genèse 2-4
Beard, Mary 1990 Pagan Priests: Religion and Power in the Ancient World
Beaulieu, Paul-Alain 2007 “The Social and Intellectual Setting of Babylonian Wisdom Literature”
Beck, Astrid B. 2000 Eerdmans Dictionary of the Bible
Becking, Bob 2001 Only One God? Monotheism in Ancient Israel and the Veneration of the Goddess Asherah
Becking, Willem Bob 19992 Dictionary of Deities and Demons in the Bible
Berlin, Adele (ed.), 1996 Religion and Politics in the Ancient Near East
Berlyn, Patricia 2005 “The Journey of Terah: To Ur-Kasdim or Urkesh?”
Bettini, Maurizio 2014 Elogio del politeismo
Bezold, Carl 1889-1899 Catalogue of the Cuneiform Tablets in the Kouyunjik Collection of the British Museum, 5 Vols.
Bianchi, Ugo 1985 “Current Methodological Issues in the History of Religions”
1993 “Method, theory, and the subject matter”
Bidmead, Julye 2002 The Akitu Festival: Religious Continuity and Royal Legitimation in Mesopotamia
Biga, Maria Giovanna 2008 Il politeismo vicino-orientale. Introduzione alla storia delle religioni del Vicino Oriente Antico
Biggs, Robert D. 1967 šà Ancient Mesopotamian Potency Incantations
Biome, Friedrich 1934 Die Opfermaterie in Babylonien und Israel: 1. Teil
Birkett-Rees, Jessie 2016 Atlas of the Ancient Near East
Bisi, Monica 2011 “Babele, laddove il costruire distrugge”
Black, Jeremy 1992 Gods, Demons and Symbols of Ancient Mesopotamia: An Illustrated Dictionary
Blum, Erhard 2008 “Israels Prophetie im altorientalischen Kontext. Anmerkungen zu neueren religionsgeschichtlichen Thesen”
Boase, Elizabeth 2016 Bible through the Lens of Trauma
Bodi, Daniel 2015 “Les agents de la colère, de la grâce et du repentir divins en Ézéchiel 14, 12-23 et en Gilgameš XI, 181-198”
Boissier, Alfred 1894 Documents assyriens relatifs aux présages, Tome 1
Bolle, K. 1996 The Persistence of Religions: Essays in Honor of Kees Bolle [Denning-Bolle, S.J.; Gerow, E. ediderunt]
Bonechi, Marco 1989 “Un atto di culto a Ebla”
Bonnet, Corinne 2022 Naming and Mapping the Gods in the Ancient Mediterranean. Spaces, Mobilities, Imaginaries
Bottéro, Jean 1974 “Symptomes, signes et écritures en Mesopotamie ancienne”
1992 Mesopotamia. Writing, Reasoning, and the Gods
1998 La plus vieille religion: En Mésopotamie
2001 Religion in Ancient Mesopotamia
Bourrillon, R. et al. 2018 “A new Aurignacian engraving from Abri Blanchard, France: Implications for understanding Aurignacian graphic expression in Western and Central Europe”
Bowley, James E. 2003 “Rethinking the Concept of ‘˜Bible’: Some Theses and Proposals”
Box, George Herbert 1918 The Apocalypse of Abraham
Braun-Holzinger, Eva Andrea 2013 Frühe Götterdarstellungen in Mesopotamien. Ihre Beziehungen im Spiegel der Archäologie und der Literatur des Alten Testaments und seiner Umwelt
Bregman, J. 1996 The Persistence of Religions: Essays in Honor of Kees Bolle [Denning-Bolle, S.J.; Gerow, E. ediderunt]
Brelich, Angelo 1976 “Prolegomeni a una storia delle religioni”
2007 Il politeismo
Bricker, Daniel 2001 “Innocent Suffering in Egypt”
Brisch, Nicole 2008 Religion and Power. Divine Kingship in the Ancient World and Beyond
2013 “Of Gods and Kings: Divine Kingship in Ancient Mesopotamia”
Bryce, Trevor 2016 Atlas of the Ancient Near East
Buber, Martin 1937 I And Thou
Buccellati, G. 1996 The Persistence of Religions: Essays in Honor of Kees Bolle [Denning-Bolle, S.J.; Gerow, E. ediderunt]
Buccellati, Giorgio 1959 “Note. ‘Popolo del Paese’”
1960 “Il protestantesimo americano e la Bibbia”
1960 “Gli Israeliti di Palestina al tempo dell’esilio”
1961 “Religione egiziana”
1966 The Amorites of the Ur III Period
1966 “Bibbia e Oriente”
1972 “Le beatitudini sullo sfondo della tradizione sapienziale mesopotamica”
1972 “Tre saggi sulla sapienza mesopotamica – III. La teodicea: condanna dell’abulia politica”
1973 “Adapa, Genesis, and the Notion of Faith”
1981 “Wisdom and Not: The Case of Mesopotamia”
1982 “The Descent of Inanna as a Ritual Journey to Kutha”
1996 A Structural Grammar of Babylonian
2004 “Il secondo millennio a.C. nella memoria epica di Giuda e Israele”
2005 “The Monumental Urban Complex at Urkesh”
2006 “On (e)-tic and -emic”
2007 “Yahweh, the Trinity: The Old Testament Catechumenate”
2012 “Aten in Amurru?”
2012 “Coerenza e storia. La Mesopotamia nell’ottica storiografica di ‘Ordine e Storia’: Istituzioni politiche, trasmissione del pensiero e percezione dell’assoluto”
2012 «Quando in alto i cieli…» La spiritualità biblica a confronto con quella biblica
2012 “La Trinità in un’ottica mesopotamica”
2013 Alle origini della politica
2012-2013 “Trinity spermatiké: The Veiled Perception of a Pagan World”
2014 Dal profondo del tempo. All’origine della comunicazione e della comunità nell’antica Siria
2014 “The threefold ‘invention’ of time: transcendental, transcendent, trans-temporal”
2017 A Critique of Archaeological Reason
2018 “The Cosmos Before Cosmology: Foreshadowing of Order in Prehistory”
2020 “’Awīliš īwē’. L’uomo mesopotamico come figlio della città”
2020 “Job and Not”
2024 “When on High the Heavens…”: Mesopotamian Religion and Spirituality with Reference to the Biblical World
2004 “Der monumentale Palasthof von Tall Mozan/Urkeš und die stratigraphische Geschichte des ābi“
2005 “Urkesh as a Hurrian Religious Center”
2007 “Between Heaven and Hell in Ancient Urkesh”
2007 “Urkesh and the Question of the Hurrian Homeland”
2009 “The Great Temple terrace at Urkesh and the lions of Tish-atal”
Burkert, Walter 1998 The Creation of the Sacred. Tracks of Biology in Early Religions
Bürki, Michaël 2015 “Mieux vaut prévenir que subir. De l’usage des lois en Nombres 5-6”
Burnet, John 19203 Early Greek Philosophy
Butler, S.A.L. 1998 Mesopotamian Conceptions of Dreams and Dream Rituals
CAD = Roth, Martha T. et al. 1956-2010 The Assyrian Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago
Cain, S. 1996 The Persistence of Religions: Essays in Honor of Kees Bolle [Denning-Bolle, S.J.; Gerow, E. ediderunt]
Calabro, David M. 2013 “Gestures of Praise: Lifting and Spreading the Hands in Biblical Prayer”
Caplice, Richard I. 1965 “Namburbi Texts in the British Museum. I”
1967 “Namburbi Texts in the British Museum. II”
1974 The Akkadian namburbi Texts: An Introduction
Capomacchia, Anna Maria G. 2008 Il politeismo vicino-orientale. Introduzione alla storia delle religioni del Vicino Oriente Antico
Cassirer, Ernst 1946 Language and Myth
Cauvin, Jacques 2000 The Birth of the Gods and the Origins of Agriculture (translated by Trevor Watkins)
Charpin, Dominique 2002 “Prophètes et rois dans le Proche-Orient amorrite”
2015 “La Défaite, Conséquence de la Colère Divine. La théologie de l’histoire à Alep d’après les archives royales de Mari”
Cicero, Marcus Tullius 45BC De natura deorum (On the nature of the gods)
45BC De divinatione (On Divination)
Civil, Miguel 1994 The Farmer’s Instructions: A Sumerian Agricultural Manual
Clifford, Richard J. 2007 Wisdom Literature in Mesopotamia and Israel
Cohen, Mark E. 1993 The Cultic Calendars of the Ancient Near East
2015 Festivals and Calendars of the Ancient Near East
Cohen, Yoram 2013 Wisdom from the Late Bronze Age
2015 “The Problem of Theodicy - The Mesopotamian Perspective”
2015 The Problem of Theodicy. The Mesopotamian Perspective
2018 “Teaching Morality in Antiquity”
Collins, Billie Jean 2004 “A Channel to the Underworld in Syria”
Cooper, Jerrold S. 2012 “Divine Kingship in Mesopotamia, A Fleeting Phenomenon”
Cornford, F.M. 1957 From Religion to Philosophy: A Study of the Origins of Western Speculation
Cousin, Laura 2016 “Onomastics of Women in Babylonia in the First Millennium BC”
Couve de Murville, Maurice Noel Leon 1975 Personal Religion in Ancient Mesopotamia as Shown in Akkadian Texts
Dahan, Gilbert 2021 1 Samuel 28. La nécromancienne d’En-Dor
Dalley, Stephanie 2000 Myths from Mesopotamia
Dandamaev, M.A. 1996 “State Gods and Private Religion in the Near East in the First Millennium BCE”
Davila, James 2002 The Macrocosmis Temple, Scriptural Exegesis, and the Songs of the Sabbath Sacrifice
Davis, Ryan Conrad 2016 Relating with Gods: Investigating Human-Divine Relationships in the Prayers of Israel and Mesopotamia Using a Performance Approach to Ritual
de Hemmer Gudme, Anne K. 2012 “Out of Sight, Out of Mind? Dedicatory Inscriptions as Communication with the Divine”
de Jong Ellis, Maria 1989 “Observations on Mesopotamian Oracles and Prophetic Texts”
de Jong, Teije 2010 “A New Look at the Venus Observations of Ammisaduqa: Traces of the Santorini Eruption in the Atmosphere of Babylon?”
Deluty, Julie B. 2020 “Prophecy in the Ancient Levant and Old Babylonian Mari”
Dempsey, Corinne 2012 Bringing the Sacred Down to Earth. Adventures in Comparative Religion
Denning-Bolle, S. 1996 The Persistence of Religions: Essays in Honor of Kees Bolle [Denning-Bolle, S.J.; Gerow, E. ediderunt]
De Pietri, Marco 2022 “Messengers and Envoys within Egyptian-Hittite Relationships”
de Pury, Albert 2016 La remarquable absence de colère divine dans le Récit sacerdotal (Pg)
De Santillana, Giorgio 1985 Fato antico e fato moderno
De Zorzi, Nicla 2011 “The Omen Series Šumma Izbu: Internal Structure and Hermeneutic Strategies”
2014 La serie teratomantica Šumma izbu: testo, tradizione, orizzonti culturali
Diels, Hermann 19609 Die Fragmente der Vorsokratiker, 1. Band
Dijkstm, Meindert 2001 Only One God? Monotheism in Ancient Israel and the Veneration of the Goddess Asherah
Di Martino, Silvia 2005 “Tell Mozan/Urkesh: Archeozoologia della Struttura Sotterranea in A12”
Disegni, Dario (Rav) [ed.] 2003 Bibbia Ebraica. Profeti Anteriori
Doak, Brian R. 2006 “The Origins of Social Justice in the Ancient Mesopotamian Religious Traditions”
Dossin, Georges 1935 “Prières aus ‘dieux de la nuit’ (AO 6769)”
1967 La correspondance féminine
1978 La correspondance féminine transcrite et traduite
Dupré, W. 1996 The Persistence of Religions: Essays in Honor of Kees Bolle [Denning-Bolle, S.J.; Gerow, E. ediderunt]
Durand, Jean-Marie 1988 Archives épistolaires de Mari, I/1
1993 “Le Mythologème du Combat entre le Dieu de l’Orage et la Mer en Mésopotamie”
1997 “Les rituels de Mari”
2016 Entre faute et péché, regret et repentir
2015 Tabou et transgressions. Actes du colloque organisé par le Collège de France, Paris, les 11-12 avril 2012
Ebeling, Erich 1923 Keilschrifttexte aus Assur religiösen Inhalts, II
1953 Die akkadische Gebetsserie „Handerhebung“
Edzard, Dietz Otto 2003 Sumerian Grammar
Eliade, Mircea 1958 Patterns in Comparative Religion
Ermidoro, Stefania 2017 Quando gli dèi erano uomini. Atrahasis e la storia babilonese del genere umano
2017 «Ruling over Time: The Calendar in the Neo-Assyrian Royal Propaganda»
2019 “The Repentant God in the Flood Story: A Comparison Between When Gods Were Men and Genesis 6-9”
2019 “Guests of the Gods: Ritualized Meals in First-Millennium Assyria”
2020 “Animals in the Ancient Mesopotamian Diet. Prohibitions and Regulations Related to Meat in the First Millennium BCE”
Estes, Douglas 2020 “The Tree of Life”
Facchini, Fiorenzo 2002 Origini dell’uomo ed evoluzione culturale. Profili scientifici, filosofici, religiosi.
Faivre, Antoine 1995 “L’ambiguità della nozione di sacro in Mircea Eliade”
Falkenstein, Adam 1953 Sumerische und akkadische Hymnen und Gebete
1959 Sumerische Götterlieder
Faur, Jose 1978 The Biblical Idea of Idolatry
Fechner, Josephine 2015 “Moral Concepts within the Sumero-Akkadian Proverbial Literature: Origins, Developments and Tendencies”
Feldt, Laura 2013 Myths and Narratology: Narrative Form, Meaning and Function in the Standard Babylonian Epic of Anzu
Ferwerda, R. 1996 The Persistence of Religions: Essays in Honor of Kees Bolle [Denning-Bolle, S.J.; Gerow, E. ediderunt]
Fidanzio, Marcello 2010 “Composition des Psaumes 84-88”
Fine, Gail 2019 The Oxford Handbook of Plato (Second Edition)
Finet, Andre 1978 La correspondance féminine transcrite et traduite
Fink, Sebastian 2017 “Intellectual Opposition in Mesopotamia between Private and State”
Flannery, Kent 2012 “Temples and Inequality in Early Mesopotamia”
Foertmeyer, Victoria 2010 “A New Look at the Venus Observations of Ammisaduqa: Traces of the Santorini Eruption in the Atmosphere of Babylon?”
Foster, Benjamin 1974 “Humor and Cuneiform Literature”
1991 “On Authorship in Akkadian Literature”
2002 “Mesopotamia and the End of Time”
Foster, Benjamin R. 20053 Before the Muses: An Anthology of Akkadian Literature
2015 The Age of Agade. Inventing Empire in Ancient Mesopotamia
Fotheringham, John Knight 1928 The Venus Tablets of Ammizaduga
Foxvog, Daniel A. 1989 “A Manual of Sacrificial Procedure”
Frahm, Eckart 2011 Babylonian and Assyrian Text Commentaries: Origins of Interpretation
2018 “The Perils of Omnisignificance: Language and Reason in Mesopotamian Hermeneutics”
Frankfort, Henri 1958 “The Dying God”
Frankfort, Henri A. 1948 Kingship and the Gods: A Study of Ancient Near Eastern Religion as the Integration of Society and Nature
1949 Before Philosophy: The Intellectual Adventure of Ancient Man: An Essay on Speculative Thought in the Ancient Near East
Frazer, James A. 1890 The Golden Bough: A Study in Comparative Religion (retitled The Golden Bough: A Study in Magic and Religion, second edition, 1900, three volumes)
Frechette, Christopher G. 2016 Bible through the Lens of Trauma
2012 Mesopotamian Ritual-prayers of “Hand-lifting” (Akkadian Šuillas). An Investigation of Function in Light of the Idiomatic Meaning of the Rubric
Freedman, David Noel 1975 Early Israelite History in the Light of Early Israelite Poetry
2000 Eerdmans Dictionary of the Bible
Freedman, Richard Eliott 1995 The Hidden Face of God
Freud, Sigmund 1961 The Future of an Illusion (Newly Translated from the German and Edited by James Strachey)
Frey-Anthes, Henrike 2008 “Concepts of ‘Demons’ in Ancient Israel”
Friedland, R. 1996 The Persistence of Religions: Essays in Honor of Kees Bolle [Denning-Bolle, S.J.; Gerow, E. ediderunt]
Frymer-Kensky, Tivka 1977 The Atrahasis Epic and Its significance for Our Understanding of Genesis 1-9
Furlani, Giuseppe 1932 Il sacrificio nella religione dei Semiti di Babilonia e Assiria
Gabbay, Uri 2020 “A Thanksgiving Hymn of Bel-remanni to Nergal: Personal Religious Experience in Sumerian and Akkadian Literature”
Gadotti, Alhena 2016 “Mesopotamian Women’s Cultic Roles in Late 3rd-Early 2nd millennia BCE”
Galoppin, Thomas 2022 Naming and Mapping the Gods in the Ancient Mediterranean. Spaces, Mobilities, Imaginaries
Gammie, John G. 1990 The Sage in Israel and the Ancient Near East
Gasche, H. et al. 1998 Dating the Fall of Babylon: A Reappraisal of Second-Millennium Chronology
Geertz, Clifford 1973 “Religion as a Cultural System”
Gell, Alfred 1998 Art and Agency. An Anthropological Theory
Geller, Markham J. 1980 “The šurpu Incantations and Lev. V. 1-5”
2010 Ancient Babylonian Medicine
2018 “2 The Exorcist’s Manual (KAR 44)”
George, Andrew R. 1992 Babylonian Topographical Texts
1993 House Most High: The Temples of Ancient Mesopotamia
2000 The Epic of Gilgamesh. The Babylonian Epic Poem and Other Texts in Akkadian and Sumerian
2003 The Babylonian Gilgamesh Epic. Introduction, Critical Edition and Cuneiform Texts, 2 Vols.
2010 “The Assyrian Elegy: Form and Meaning”, in Melville, Sarah C. and Slotsky, Alice L. (eds), Opening the Tablet Box. Near Eastern Studies in Honor of Benjamin R. Foster
Gerow, E. 1996 The Persistence of Religions: Essays in Honor of Kees Bolle [Denning-Bolle, S.J.; Gerow, E. ediderunt]
Giussani, Luigi 1994 Il senso di Dio e l’uomo moderno. La “questione umana” e la novità del Cristianesimo
Glassner, Jean-Jacques 1993 “Le roi prêtre en Mésopotamie, au milieu du 3° millénaire - mythe ou réalité?”
2009 “De l’invention du sacrifice à l’écriture du monde. Le repas des dieux en Mésopotamie”
Goetze, Albrecht 1974 Old Babylonian Omen Texts
1970 “Early Dynastic Dedication Inscriptions from Nippur”
1985 Early Mesopotamian Incantations and Rituals
Goldman, Bernard 1990 “Some Assyrian Gestures”
Gonzalez, Hervé 2015 “Colère et (non-)repentir de YHWH en Zacharie 1-8”
Gordon, Edmund I. 1968 Sumerian Proverbs. Glimpses of Everyday Life in Ancient Mesopotamia
Gothóni, René 2005 How to do Comparative Religion. Three ways, many goals
Grassi Freire, Lucas 2017 “Foreign Relations in the Ancient Near East: Oaths, Curses, Kingship and Prophecy”
Grayson, A.K. 1987 Catalogue of the Babylonian Tablets in the British Museum: Volume VII: Tablets from Sippar, II
Green, Anthony 1992 Gods, Demons and Symbols of Ancient Mesopotamia: An Illustrated Dictionary
1984 “Beneficent Spirits and Malevolent Demons. The Iconography of Good and Evil in Ancient Assyria and Babylonia”
1986 “A Note on the Assyrian ‘Goat-Fish’, ‘Fish-Man’ and ‘Fish-Woman’”
Greenstein, Edward L. 2007 “Sages with a Sense of Humor: the Babylonian Dialogue between the Master and his Servant and the Book of Qohelet”
Gronenberg, Brigitte 2007 Die Welt der Götterbilder
Grottanelli, C. 1996 The Persistence of Religions: Essays in Honor of Kees Bolle [Denning-Bolle, S.J.; Gerow, E. ediderunt]
Gruber, Mayer I. 1975 “Akkadian labān appi in the Light of Art and Literature”
Guichard, Michaël 1997 “Les rituels de Mari”
2015 Tabou et transgressions. Actes du colloque organisé par le Collège de France, Paris, les 11-12 avril 2012
Guillon, Elodie 2022 Naming and Mapping the Gods in the Ancient Mediterranean. Spaces, Mobilities, Imaginaries
Gurney, Oliver R. 1956 “The Sultantepe Tablets (Continued). V. The Tale of the Poor Man of Nippur”
1972 “The Tale of the Poor Man of Nippur and Its Folktale Parallels”
Gurzadyan, V.G. 2000 “On the Astronomical Records and Babylonian Chronology”
2000 “Astronomy and the Fall of Babylon”
2003 “The Venus Tablet and Refraction”
2005 “On the Available Lunar and Solar Eclipses and Babylonian Chronology”
Hamidović, David 2015 “Mastéma, le “démon de main” de YHWH dans le livre des Jubilés“
Hamori, Esther J. 2008 ‘When Gods Were Men’: The Embodied God in Biblical and Near Eastern Literature
2018 Perchance to Dream. Dream Divination in the Bible and the Ancient Near East
Harper, Robert Francis 1904 The Code of Ḫammurabi King of Babylon
Harris, Norman O. 1990 “Historical perspectives of oral biology: a series”
Harsgor, Michael 1978 Total History: The Annales School
Hart, Sarah 2019 From Temple to Tent: From Real to Virtual World (Exodus 24: 15-Numbers 10: 28)
Hätinen, Aino 2017 “‘I am a fully laden boat!’ A Mesopotamian metaphor revisited”
Hawking, Stephen 1988 A Brief History of Time. From the Big Bang to Black Holes
Hecht, R. 1996 The Persistence of Religions: Essays in Honor of Kees Bolle [Denning-Bolle, S.J.; Gerow, E. ediderunt]
Heffron, Yagmur 2014 “Revisiting ‘Noise’ (rigmu) in Atra-hasīs in Light of Baby Incantations”,
Heintz, Jean-Georges 1997 Oracles et prophéties dans l’antiquité : actes du Colloque de Strasbourg, 15-17 juin 1995
Herles, Michael 2006 Götterdarstellungen Mesopotamiens in der 2. Hälfte des 2. Jahrtausends v. Chr.: das anthropomorphe Bild im Verhältnis zum Symbol
Hodder, Ian 2010 Religion in the Emergence of Civilization: Çatalhöyük as a Case Study
Hoffner Jr., Harry A. 1975 “Propaganda and Political Justification in Hittite Historiography”
Hoftijzer, J. 1996 The Persistence of Religions: Essays in Honor of Kees Bolle [Denning-Bolle, S.J.; Gerow, E. ediderunt]
Holland, Glenn S. 2010 Gods in the Desert. Religions of the Ancient Near East
Hollenback, J. 1996 The Persistence of Religions: Essays in Honor of Kees Bolle [Denning-Bolle, S.J.; Gerow, E. ediderunt]
Holloway, Steven W. 2001 Assur Is King! Assur Is King!: Religion in the Exercise of Power in the Neo-Assyrian Empire
Houck-Loomis, Tiffany 2018 History through Trauma. History and Counter-History in the Hebrew Bible
Huber, P.J. et al. 1982 Astronomical Dating of Babylon I and Ur III
Huffmon, Herbert B. 2000 “A Company of Prophets: Mari, Assyria, Israel”
2012 “The Exclusivity of Divine Communication in Ancient Israel: False Prophecy in the Hebrew Bible and the Ancient Near East”
Hundley, Michael B. 2013 “Here a God, There a God: An Examination of the Divine in Ancient Mesopotamia”
2013 Gods in Dwellings: Temples and Divine Presence in the Ancient Near East
Hunger, Hermann 1999 Astral Sciences in Mesopotamia
Hurowitz, Victor A. 1992 I Have Built You an Exalted House. Temple Building in the Bible in Light of Mesopotamian and North-West Semitic Writings
1997 “Canon and Canonization in Mesopotamia: Assyriological Models or Ancient Realities?”
Hüsken, Ute 2007 When Rituals go Wrong: Mistakes, Failure, and the Dynamics of Ritual
Hussey, Mary Inda 1985 Early Mesopotamian Incantations and Rituals
Jacobsen, T. 1996 The Persistence of Religions: Essays in Honor of Kees Bolle [Denning-Bolle, S.J.; Gerow, E. ediderunt]
Jacobsen, Thorkild 1949 Before Philosophy: The Intellectual Adventure of Ancient Man: An Essay on Speculative Thought in the Ancient Near East
1993 “Ancient Mesopotamian Religion: The Central Concerns”
1963 “Ancient Mesopotamian Religion: the Central Concerns”
1968 “The Battle between Marduk and Tiamat”
1970 “Formative Tendencies in Sumerian Religion”
1975 Religious Drama in Ancient Mesopotamia
1976 The Treasures of Darkness. A History of Mesopotamian Religion
1977 “Inuma ilu awilum”
1987 The Harps that Once … Sumerian Poetry in Translation
Jahn, Dilek 2013 KAR I, 4 - A Creation Account
Jeffers, Ann 2007 ‘Interpreting Magic and Divination in the Ancient Near East’,
Jestin, Raymond 1976 “La religione dei Sumeri”
John Paul II 1998 Ioannis Pauli PP. II Summi Pontificis litterae encyclicae Fides et Ratio cunctis Catholicae Ecclesiae episcopis de necessitudinis natura inter utramque / Encyclical Letter Fides et Ratio of the Supreme Pontiff John Paul II to the Bishops of the Catholic Church on the Relationship between Faith and Reason
Johnson, W. 1996 The Persistence of Religions: Essays in Honor of Kees Bolle [Denning-Bolle, S.J.; Gerow, E. ediderunt]
Johnston, Alexandre 2019 “Knowledge, Suffering and the Performance of Wisdom in Solon’s Elegy to the Muses and the Babylonian Poem of the Righteous Sufferer”
Jones, Philip 2003 “Embracing Inana: Legitimation and Mediation in the Ancient Mesopotamian Sacred Marriage Hymn Iddin-Dagan A”
Kämmerer, Thomas R. 2012 Das babylonische Weltschöpfungsepos Enūma elîš
Kang, Seung Il 2012 “A Comparison of Mircea Eliade’s and Jonathan Z. Smith’s Views on “Dur-an-ki”
Katz, Arnold M. 1995 “Emergence of Scientific Explanations of Nature in Ancient Greece”
Katz, Phyllis B. 1995 “Emergence of Scientific Explanations of Nature in Ancient Greece”
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