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Akkadian Linguistics

The Project

Giorgio Buccellati – March 2022

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In the introduction to A Structural Grammar of Babylonian (pp. x-xi) I wrote:

«No attempt is made here to offer a systematic bibliographical apparatus for each grammatical category discussed. Because of the size that such a documentation entails, if given in an exhaustive manner, I have chosen to place such information in a separate volume, which will appear at a later date. Entitled A Critical Review of Akkadian Grammatical Studies, it contains a comprehensive annotated bibliography of studies on both Babylonian and other dialects of Akkadian, with an introductory chapter that gives a history of the discipline, and a detailed topical index sorted by grammatical categories in the same sequence as the one followed here. In this topical index one will find a systematic and exhaustive bibliographical coverage of each subject presented in this grammar, whether or not the particular opinion represented by each bibliographical entry has been dealt with in the corresponding section of the grammar. In this sense the topical index provides a full-fledged supplement to the data presented here, with the addition of points of detail which are omitted from the present book. By thus separating the fuller scholarly apparatus from the main body of the grammar I have been able to retain a more discursive style in my presentation, which I hope may contribute to the readability of my text. By the same token, the scholarly apparatus to be provided in the companion volume will be both more comprehensive and more fully documented than if relegated to footnotes given in this volume. It should be noted that in the grammar I have not given references to the companion volume, since the latter follows exactly the same sequence of topics as the former, so that cross-references may be assumed as automatic.»

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A Critical Review of Akkadian Grammatical Studies

The “companion volume” entitled A Critical Review of Akkadian Grammatical Studies never appeared in print, even though it was already in an advanced state of preparation, containing a considerable number of entries with detailed summaries, a “topical index,” and notes to the main text of the Grammar. Its contents served as the starting point for this website, where its entries are marked with my name and the date of 1994.

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