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Mesopotamian Literature

Annotated bibliography

Alphabetical index

February 2025

Total number of authors: 63.

A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z

Author Year Title
Abusch, Tzvi 2015 Male and Female in the Epic of Gilgamesh. Encounters, Literary History, and Interpretation
Albertz, Rainer 2003 Geschichte und Theologie. Studien zur Exegese des Alten Testaments und zur Religionsgeschichte Israels
Alighieri, Dante 1305 ca. De vulgari eloquentia
Alster, Bendt 1974 “On the Interpretation of the Sumerian Myth ‘Inanna and Enki’“”
2005 Wisdom of Ancient Sumer
Annus, Amar and Alan Lenzi 2010 Ludlul bēl nēmeqi. The Standard Babylonian Poem of the Righteous Sufferer
Assman, A. and J. 1991 Weisheit. Archäologie der literarischen Kommunikation
Berlin, Adele 1979 Enmerkar and Esuhkešdanna. A Sumerian Narrative Poem
Black, Jeremy 1998 Reading Sumerian Poetry
Black, Jeremy, Graham Cunningham, Eleanor Robson and Gá Zólyomi 2004 The Literature of Ancient Sumer
Buccellati, Giorgio 1972 “Gilgamesh in chiave sapienziale; l’umiltà dell’anti-eroe”
1972 “On the Use of the Akkadian Infinitive after ša or Construct State”
1972 “Il Dialogo del Pessimismo: la scienza degli opposti come ideale sapienziale”
1972 “Tre saggi sulla sapienza mesopotamica – III. La teodicea: condanna dell’abulia politica”
1973 “Adapa, Genesis, and the Notion of Faith”
1981 “Principles of Stylistic Analysis”
1981 “Wisdom and Not: The Case of Mesopotamia”
1982 “The Descent of Inanna as a Ritual Journey to Kutha”
1990 “On Poetry – Theirs and Ours”
1996 A Structural Grammar of Babylonian
1996 A Structural Grammar of Babylonian
2003 “Il cimento dell’estro e della ragione: la dimensione scribale della cosiddetta ‘Teodicea babilonese’“
2012 «Quando in alto i cieli…» La spiritualità biblica a confronto con quella biblica
2013 Alle origini della politica
2017 A Critique of Archaeological Reason
2017 Il pensiero nell’argilla. Analisi strutturale della letteratura mesopotamica
2023 “When on High the Heavens…”: Mesopotamian Religion and Spirituality with Reference to the Biblical World
2024 “An Epistemological Perspective on the Mesopotamian Wisdom Tradition”
Cohen, Yoram 2015 “The Problem of Theodicy – The Mesopotamian Perspective”
Contini, Gianfranco 1957 “Dante come personaggio-poeta della «Commedia»“
Cooper, Jerrold S. 1981 “Gilgamesh and Agga: A Review Article”
Delnero, Paul & Jacob Lauinger 2015 Texts and Contexts. The Circulation and Transmission of Cuneiform Texts in Social Space
Denning Bolle, Sara 1987 “Wisdom and Dialogue in the Ancient Near East”
1992 Wisdom in Akkadian Literature. Expression, Instruction, Dialogue
Ferrante, Gennaro 2014 “Il lauro di Mopso e l’edera di Aminta. Petrarca e Dante nel Boccaccio bucolico”
Foster, Benjamin R. 1983 “Self-reference of an Akkadian Poet”
1996 Before the Muses: An Anthology of Akkadian Literature
2001 The Epic of Gilgamesh
20053 Before the Muses: An Anthology of Akkadian Literature
2007 Akkadian Literature of the Late Period
Fox, James J. 1977 “Roman Jakobson and the Comparative Study of Paralellism”
19882 To Speak in Pairs. Essays on the Ritual Languages of Estern Indonesia
Frayne, Douglas R. 1993 The Royal Inscriptions of Mesopotamia. Early Periods 2: Sargonic and Gutian Periods: 2334-2113 BC
Gadotti, Alhena 1983 “Gilgameš, Gudam, and the Singer in Sumerian Literature”
Galter, H. 1983 “Die Wörter für «Weisheit» im Akkadischen”
George, Andrew R. 2000 The Epic of Gilgamesh. The Babylonian Epic Poem and Other Texts in Akkadian and Sumerian
2003 The Babylonian Gilgamesh Epic. Introduction, Critical Edition and Cuneiform Texts, 2 Vols.
2013 “The poem of Erra and Ishum: A Babylonian Poet’s View of War”
Giovannetti, Paolo 2008 Dalla poesia in prosa al rap. Tradizioni e canoni metrici nella poesia italiana contemporanea
Glassner, J.-J. 2002 “Etemenanki, armature du cosmos”
Gordon, Edmund I. 1968 Sumerian Proverbs. Glimpses of Everyday Life in Ancient Mesopotamia
Gray, John 1970 “The Book of Job in the Context of Near Eastern Literature”
Griffith, R. Drew and Robert B. Marks 2011 “A Fool by Any Other Name: Greek ‘αλαζων and Akkadian aluzinnu“
Hecker, Karl and Walter Sommerfeld 1986 Keilschriftliche Literaturen. Ausgewählte Vorträge der XXXII. Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale
Heimpel, Wolfgang 1981 “A note on ‘Gilgamesh and Agga’“
Izre’el, Shlomo 2001 Adapa and the South Wind. Language Has the Power of Life and Death
Jacobsen, Thorkild 1943 “Primitive Democracy in Ancient Mesopotamia”
1968 “The Battle between Marduk and Tiamat”
1976 The Treasures of Darkness. A History of Mesopotamian Religion
1987 The Harps that Once … Sumerian Poetry in Translation
Jacobsen, Thorkild, Henri Frankfort, H. A. Frankfort, John A. Wilson, and William A. Irwin 1946 The Intellectual Adventure of Ancient Man: An Essay on Speculative Thought in the Ancient Near East
Jakobson, Roman 1966 “Grammatical Parallelism and Its Russian Facet”
2007 Poesie der Grammatik und Grammatik der Poesie: sämtliche Gedichtanalysen
Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn 2006 “Gilgamesh at Urkesh? Literary motifs and iconographic identifications”
Lambert, Wilfred G. 1966 “Ancestors, Authors and Canonicity”
1960 Babylonian Wisdom Literature
1995 “A Note on the Three Ox-Drivers from Adab”
2013 Babylonian Creation Myths
2013 Babylonian Creation Myths
2013 “Die Babylonische Theodizee”
Leick, Gwendolyn 1994 Sex and Eroticism in Mesopotamian Literature
Lenzi, Alan 2011 Reading Akkadian Prayers and Hymns. An Introduction
2012 “The Curious Case of Failed Revelation in Ludlul bēl nēmeqi: A New Suggestion for the Poem’s Scholarly Purpose”
2015 “Scribal Hermeneutics and the Twelve Gates of Ludlul bēl nēmeqi“
2015 “The Language of Akkadian Prayers in Ludlul bēl nēmeqi and its Significance within and beyond Mesopotamia”
Machinist, Peter 1983 “Rest and Violence in the Poem of Erra”
Malato, Enrico 1995 “Dante”
Michalowski, Piotre and Niek Veldhuis 20061 Approaches to Sumerian Literature. Studies in Honour of Stip (H.L.J. Vanstiphout)
Oppenheim, A. Leo 1964 Ancient Mesopotamia. Portrait of a Dead Civilization
Orvieto, Paolo 2015 De Sanctis
Oshima, Takayoshi 1983 “How many tablets did Ludlul Bel Nemeqi consist of?”
2013 The Babylonian Theodicy
2014 “«Let Us Sleep!» The Motif of Disturbing Resting Deities in Cuneiform Texts”
Oshima, Takayoshi M. 2014 Babylonian Poems of Pious Sufferers: Ludlul bēl nēmeqi and the Babylonian Theodicy
Oshima, T.M. and Kohlhass, Susanne 2018 Teaching Morality in Antiquity: Wisdom Texts, Oral Traditions, and Images
Paximadi, Giorgio 2004 E io dimorerò in mezzo a loro. Composizione e interpretazione di Es. 25–31
Pirovano, Donato 2016 Poeti del Dolce Stil Novo
Reiner, Erica 1978 “Die akkadische Literatur”
1985 Your Thwarts in pieces, Your Mooring Rope Cut. Poetry from Babylonia and Assyria
Ríkhardsdóttir, Sif 2005 “Bound by Culture: A Comparative Study of the Old French and Old Norse Versions of La Chanson de Roland“
2015 “Translating Emotion: Vocalisation and Embodiment in Yvain and Ívens Aaga”
Röllig, Wolfgang 2009 Das Gilgamesch-Epos. Übersetzt, kommentiert und herausgegebn von W. Röllig
Rollinger, Robert 2006 “Gilgamesch als ‘Sportler’, oder: pukku und mikkû als Sportgeräte des Helden von Uruk”
2011 “Sport und Spiel”
Rollinger, Robert and Erik van Dongen 2015 Mesopotamia in the Ancient World. Impact, Continuities, Parallels
Römer, Willem H. Ph. 1980 Das sumerische Kursepos «Bilgameš und Akka» Versuch einer Neubearbeitung
Rosenwein, Barbara 1998 Anger’s Past: The Social Uses of an Emotion in the Middle Ages
2006 Emotional Communities in the Middle Ages
2006 Generations of Feeling. A History of Emotions
Scotti Muth, Nicoletta 2011 “Scoprire Israele (I). Lo sfondo da cui emerge la storia”
Sokolowski, Robert 19702 The Formation Husserl’s Concept of Vonstitution
Tigay, Jeffrey H. 1982 The Evolution of the Gilgamesh Epic
Vanstiphout, Herman 1986 “Some Thoughts on Genre in Mesopotamian Literature”
2003 Epics of Sumerian Kings. The Matter of Aratta
Veldhuis, Niek 2003 “Mesopotamian Canons”
Verderame, Lorenzo 2003 Letterature dell’antica Mesopotamia
Weissert, Elnathan 1997 “Creating a Political Climate. Literary Allusions to Enuma Eliš in Sennacherib’s Account of the Battle of Halul”
Westermann, Claus 1981 The Structure of the Book of Job. A Form-Critical Analysis
Wilcke, Claus 2012 The Sumerian Poem Enmerkar and En-suhkeš-ana: Epic, Play, or?: Stage Craft at the Turn from the Third to the Second Millennium B.C. With a Score-edition and a Translations of the Text